Science fiction year 1913

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◄◄1909191019111912Science Fiction Year 1913  | 1914  | 1915  | 1916  | 1917  |  | ►►
Other events

New publications literature

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title author Remarks
The polar ship - - Johannes Kaltenboeck
The Gulf Stream - - Hans Ludwig Rosegger
The Gyro CompaB - - Hans Dominik
The last doctor - - Hans Lungwitz
The man with the three eyes - - August Hoffmann from Vestenhof
The tunnel - - Bernhard Kellermann
The millionaire battle on the Saar - - Julius Hoppenstedt
The roses - - Karl Lorenz
The total upheaval - - Konrad Wendorff
The rule of the people in the God state, the state of the future - - Markus
An experiment - - Hans Dominik
Five years on Mars - - Waldemar Schilling
One hundred years of the German future - - Max Heinrichka
In the poison stream / The end of the world The Poison Belt Arthur Conan Doyle
Lesabéndio - - Paul Scheerbart
Men - - Georg Wilhelm Haupt-Heydemarck
Münchhausen's return - - Robert Walter
New Germany - - Heinrich Teut
Rosa the beautiful policeman - - Solomon Friedlaender
Terra incognita - - E. Schott
titanium - - Martin Atlas
Goslings: A World of Women JD Beresford

New releases films

German title
Year of publication in German
Original title Director Remarks
The extraordinary adventures of Saturnino Farandola Le avventure straordinarissime di Saturnino Farandola Marcel Fabre
A message from Mars J. Wallett Waller



See also

Portal: Phantastik  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of fantasy