Scipione Gentili

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Scipione Gentili
Title page Scipione Gentili Opera Omnia , 1763–1769

Scipione Gentili (also: Scipio Gentilis ; * 1563 in San Ginesio ; † August 7, 1616 in Altdorf near Nuremberg ) was an Italian lawyer.


Born as the son of the doctor Matteo (Matthaus) Gentilis and the younger brother of Alberico Gentili , he had to leave his homeland at an early age because his father professed his evangelical faith. He went to study law at the universities of Tübingen , Wittenberg and Leiden . Hugo Donellus was his teacher in Leiden . After his release in 1587, he went to Heidelberg University , where he was taught by Hippolyt von Colli and Julius Pacius de Beriga .

After he had worked there as a lecturer and had the prospect of a professorship in the institutions , he was embroiled in an intrigue of Julius Pacius. He went to the University of Basel , where he, by Franz Hotomann promoted on April 16, 1589 to the doctor of jurisprudence doctorate . He then went on various trips, moving to Altdorf University , where he met Donellus again and gave lectures on the institutions.

Supported by Donellus, he became professor of the institutions, then took over the professorship of the Pandects and after Petrus Wesenbeck's departure from Altdorf, he took over the first legal professorship at the Nuremberg Academy. With this office he became consul of the Nuremberg Council, was rector of the university several times and remained in this position until his death.

Selection of works

  • Theses de operis novi nunciatione: De quibus Deo Opt. Max. Faciente Amplissimo Iuriscoss. Collegio decernente Scipio Gentilis Picens Honoris in Iure Civili Quiritium Pontificioque apiscendi Publice responsurus est. The Mercurii proxima, hora septima. Basileae, Typis Oporinianis. Anno 1589. Basel University Library: Disputationes iuridicae 1587-1589 ( ).
  • De erroribus testamentorum a testoribus ipsis commissis tractatus singularis, Altdorf 1593, Strasbourg 1669.
  • De scietia heredum,
  • De dividus et individuis obligationibus,
  • De jure accrescendi, etc.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Herbert Jaumann (2004) Bio-bibliographical repertory ; Walter de Gruyter; on google books; accessed on April 13, 2015.