Scipione Pulzone

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Scipione Pulzone, self-portrait around 1574

Scipione Pulzone (* 1550 in Gaeta , † 1598 ), called Il Gaetano was an Italian painter of Mannerism .


Pulzone worked as a painter in Rome . He was influenced by Jacopino del Conte († 1598). Above all, he distinguished himself as an excellent portrait painter . Among other things, he painted portraits of the popes of Pius V , Julius III. and Gregory XIII. He also portrayed Cardinal Medici, Grand Duke Ferdinando I de 'Medici , Eleonora de' Medici and Maria de 'Medici .

In the Bandinikapelle the Roman Church of San Silvestro al Quirinale his work depends of the Assumption of Mary and in the Roman church of Santa Maria in Vallicella the work of Christ on the Cross with Saints (Crocefissione) .

Works (selection)


Web links

Commons : Scipione Pulzone  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Michele D'Innella: Guida Rossa Roma. Touring Club Italiano , Milan 2004, p. 345.
  2. Michele D'Innella: Guida Rossa Roma. Touring Club Italiano, Milan 2004, p. 231.
  3. National Gallery London ( Memento of the original dated August 30, 2004 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Auction week in New York, “Now the old masters are getting up”.