Sebald Heyden

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Sebald Heyden

Sebald Heyden (born December 18, 1499 in Bruck , today a district of Erlangen ; † July 9, 1561 in Nuremberg ) was a German cantor , headmaster and spiritual poet .

Heyden completed a degree in Ingolstadt , which he completed with a master's degree. From 1519 he worked as cantor, later also as rector at the Nuremberg hospital school, in 1525 he became the first Lutheran rector of the school of St. Sebaldus . Nikolaus Selnecker was one of his students, and he was in regular contact with Hans Sachs and Albrecht Dürer, among others .

The two stanzas of the passion song O man, weep your sin great ( EG 76) are the first and last of 23 stanzas of his "great passion " in which he poetically retells the passion of Christ . It was written around 1530 based on a melody by Matthias Greitter (original text: All are blessed who walk in right faith here ).


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Individual evidence

  1. year of birth according to other sources 1498, 1494 or 1488; s. Robert Eitner:  Heyden, Sebald . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 12, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1880, p. 352 f.