Theodor Wohnhaas

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Theodor Wohnhaas (born July 4, 1922 in Kirchheimbolanden ; † March 18, 2009 in Nuremberg ) was a German musicologist and organologist .


The Wohnhaas family moved to Speyer around 1930 , where Theodor subsequently attended the humanistic grammar school. Due to a move to Augsburg , he switched to the high school near Sankt Stephan . Wohnhaas was drafted into the Wehrmacht on October 1, 1941 and then received his university entrance qualification. During his military service, Wohnhaas studied medicine in Breslau and, after his imprisonment, medicine and musicology at the University of Erlangen from 1945 to 1949. He then worked until 1955 in a specialist medical publishing house. The subsequent studies led to a doctorate in 1959. Afterwards, Wohnhaas worked at the Musicological Institute of the University of Erlangen. In 1965 he was appointed curator and in 1972 academic director . In 1974 Wohnhaas became a member of the Swabian Research Foundation . He was buried in the Nuremberg West Cemetery.


After his dissertation on the interpretation of the Coriolan overture by Beethoven , Wohnhaas published first in the field of musical instrument making and on the southern German history of music and organ building in the monasteries. In the music in past and present (1st edition) 25 articles from his hand appeared. From 1960 he concentrated on the Franconian and Swabian organ building and published eleven books and 216 essays, mostly in collaboration with the organologist Hermann Fischer . His writings made a major contribution to making the southern German organ landscape better known.

Wohnhaas wrote numerous articles in the Biographical-Bibliographical Church Lexicon (BBKL).

Fonts (selection)

  • with Hermann Fischer: The König family organ builders in Ingolstadt, Münstereifel and Cologne . In: Roland Behrens and Christoph Grohmann (eds.): Dulce melos Organorum, Festschrift Alfred Reichling for his 70th birthday . Society of Organ Friends, Mettlach 2005, p. 111-168 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: Organ monuments in Middle Franconia . Ulrike Schneider Rensch Orgelbaufachverlag, Lauffen am Neckar 2001, ISBN 3-921848-08-3 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: Lexicon of South German Organ Builders . Florian Noetzel Verlag, Wilhelmshaven 1994, ISBN 3-7959-0598-2 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: The organs of St. Martin in Memmingen. In memoriam Walter Braun (1905–1977) . In: Memminger Geschichtsblätter 1987/1988 . Memminger Zeitung Verlagsdruckerei GmbH, 1990, ISSN  0539-2896 , p. 7-25 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: Historic organs in Upper Franconia . Schnell & Steiner, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-7954-0385-5 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: The Steinmeyer organ of Passau Cathedral . In: Ars Organi . tape 33 , 1985, pp. 13-22 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: Historic organs in Swabia . Schnell & Steiner, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-7954-0431-2 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: The Passau Cathedral Organ. Comments on the building history of the Steinmeyer organ (1924–1977) . In: Music in Bavaria. Half-year publication of the Society for Bavarian Music History eV No. 28 , 1984, pp. 65-94 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: The organ maker Anton Bayr and his work . In: Hermann Dechant (Ed.): Commemorative Hermann Beck . Laaber 1982, p. 111-125 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: Historic organs in Lower Franconia . Schnell & Steiner, Munich 1981, ISBN 3-7954-0424-X .
  • with Hermann Fischer: Matthias Tretzscher . In: Ferdinand Seibt (Hrsg.): Life pictures for the history of the Bohemian countries . tape 4 . Oldenbourg, Munich 1981, ISBN 3-486-50591-2 , p. 71-90 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: The Funtsch family of organ builders in Amberg . In: Oberpfälzer Heimat . No. 22, 1978, pp. 117-124 .
  • with Hermann Fischer: 125 years of Steinmeyer organ building 1847–1972 . Self-published by Steinmeyer, Oettingen (Bavaria) 1972.
  • Studies on the question of musical interpretation: On the basis of v. Record recordings d. Beethoven's Coriolan Overture . University of Erlangen, 1958.
  • Articles Endter , Paul Kauffmann , Montanus , Neuber , Hans Ott , Ottobeuren , Petrejus , Ratdolt , Rebenlein , Reyser , Carl Gottlieb Röder , Schönig [h] , Schramm , Sensenschmid [t] , Nikolaus Stein , Johann Stern , Stuchs , Ulhart , Wachter , Wagenmann , Weingarten , Welack , Weyssenburger , Wirsung , Grimm , Wust . In: Music in the past and present . Bärenreiter, Kassel 1958–1979, ISBN 3-89853-160-0 .


  • Hermann Fischer: The Steinmeyer family of organ builders in Oettingen. In memoriam Theodor Wohnhaas . Pape, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-921140-90-1 (publications by the Society of Organ Friends; 252).
  • Hermann Fischer: Obituary for Theodor Wohnhaas . In: Church Music Yearbook . tape 92 , 2008, ISSN  0075-6199 , p. 7-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Fischer: Obituary for Theodor Wohnhaas. 2008, p. 7.
  2. a b Society of Organ Friends : Obituary seen November 11, 2019.
  3. ^ Fischer: Obituary for Theodor Wohnhaas. 2008, p. 8.