Seiji Osaka

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Seiji Osaka (2011)

Seiji Ōsaka ( Japanese 逢 坂 誠 二 , Ōsaka Seiji ; born April 24, 1959 in Niseko , Hokkaidō ) is a Japanese politician (independent → DPJDFPKDP ), a member of the Shūgiin , the lower house of the national parliament , for the constituency of Hokkaidō 8 and former “Parliamentary State Secretary” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ( Kan Cabinet (1st reshuffle) and Kan Cabinet (2nd reshuffle) ) and Special Advisor to the Prime Minister ( Hatoyama Cabinet and Kan Cabinet ). He was also mayor of his hometown Niseko from 1994 to 2005.


Osaka was born on April 24, 1959 in Niseko, Hokkaidō, the son of retailers. He studied pharmacy at Hokkaidō University and joined the city council of Niseko in 1983. In 1984 he also passed the pharmacist exam . In 1994 he ran for the election of the mayor of Niseko and narrowly prevailed against the incumbent without any partisan support. In 1998 and 2002 he was re-elected unopposed. For the gubernatorial election in Hokkaidō 2003 offered him the Democratic Party (DPJ) their support in the event of a candidacy; Osaka refused and remained mayor.

In the general election in 2005 , the then DPJ chairman Katsuya Okada asked him to run for the Hokkaidō proportional representation block, whereupon Ōsaka resigned as mayor and was elected to the lower house in first place on the DPJ list in Hokkaidō. For the 2009 election he moved to the constituency of Hokkaidō 8 and sat with 62.6% of the vote against the LDP candidate Keishirō Fukushima (33.9%), the independent Kōkō Satō (23.4%) and a Kōfuku-jitsugen- tō member through. After the DPJ had taken over the government for the first time after the election, he was appointed in December 2009 in the Yukio Hatoyama cabinet as one of the four special advisers to Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (responsible for “activation and for the sovereignty of the regions, regional administrations”) and led this Post also in the subsequent Kan cabinet . He was then appointed as “Parliamentary State Secretary” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication in the Kan cabinet, which had been reorganized for the first time and for the second time . After the appointment of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda , Osaka moved to the party executive committee and became deputy general secretary.

In the lower house election 2012 , which was devastating for the DPJ , he lost his constituency as runner-up to his new LDP challenger Kazuo Maeda (Maeda 47.5%; Osaka 34.1%) and left parliament; However, returned to the House of Commons in 2014 (Osaka 47.3%, Maeda 44.2%). When the Democratic Progressive Party (DFP), the successor party of the DPJ, decided to cooperate with the more conservative Party of Hope shortly before the 2017 general election and decided not to nominate its own candidates, Osaka joined the Constitutional Democratic Party (KDP) on October 3, 2017 , a DFP spin-off from Yukio Edano . However, he ran without a party nomination in his constituency and was re-elected with 55.4% of the vote; the KDP then nominated him. In January 2019 he was appointed chairman of the KDP Political Research Council.

Web links

Commons : Seiji Ōsaka  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ↑ The radical 162 used in the character ” is officially written here with one point instead of two.