Serge Thion

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Serge Thion (born April 25, 1942 in Issy-les-Moulineaux ; † October 15, 2017 in Créteil ) was a French sociologist with a focus on Africa and Southeast Asia, especially Cambodia . He was known as a Holocaust denier .


In the years from 1960 to 1970 Thion campaigned against the South African apartheid state , supported the anti-colonial movements and protested against the Vietnam War .

Towards the end of the 1970s he came up with the history revisionism of Robert Faurisson . Due to his continued denial of the Holocaust , Thion was removed from all positions in the Center national de la recherche scientifique in 2000 by a committee headed by the French historian François Bédarida . Together with Pierre Guillaume , he is considered to be one of the founders of the Association des anciens amateurs de récits de guerre et d'holocauste . Following the Holocaust Conference in Iran in 2006 , which he attended as the French representative, he founded the revisionist World Foundation for Holocaust Studies together with Michèle Renouf , Fredrick Toben , Christian Lindtner and Bernhard Schaub .

Publications (selection)

  • Together with Jean-Claude Pomonti : Des Courtisans aux partisans, essai sur la crise cambodgienne , Paris 1971
  • Together with: Ben Kiernan : Khmers rouges! Matériaux pour l'histoire du communisme au Cambodge , Paris 1981
  • Watching Cambodia. Ten Paths to Enter the Cambodian Tangle , Bangkok 1993
  • Explaining Cambodia. A review essai , Canberra 1994



  1. Le Négationnisme sur Internet (accessed January 1, 2010)
  2. Holocaust Denial as an Anti-Zionist and Anti-Imperialist Tool for the European Far Left , Institute for Global Jewish Affairs, No. 65, February 1, 2008