Bernhard Schaub

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Bernhard Schaub (* 1954 in Bern ) is a Swiss Holocaust denier . He is the founder and head of the Europe-wide Holocaust denier association “ Europäische Aktion ” (EA) and lives in the region around Greifswald .


Bernhard Schaub was a teacher at a Rudolf Steiner School in Adliswil , where he was dismissed without notice on January 16, 1993 after his self-published book Adler und Rose became known because of the statements made there regarding the Holocaust.

He then worked as a pedagogical assistant at the Migros Club School in Frauenfeld until 1999 and was dismissed on June 15, 1998 after a lecture with right-wing extremist content (quote: "Europe is the home of the white race") in Munich.

Since then he has worked as a speaker at home and abroad, especially in right-wing extremist circles such as the NPD (Germany).


In March 1994, Schaub founded the "Working Group for the Removal of Taboos in Contemporary History (AEZ)" with Arthur Vogt, Andreas Studer and Jürgen Graf . It was later renamed "Working Group for Research on Contemporary History". The associated journal Aurora with 13 issues between 1994 and 1997 (print run up to 200 copies) was mainly written by Bernhard Schaub. The association also tried to spread the thoughts of the Holocaust deniers in Switzerland and, according to its own information, sent propaganda to 6,000 addresses from politics and universities ( Back to the Middle Ages? ). For the same purpose, a glossy brochure was distributed in which the existence of the gas chambers in Auschwitz was denied ( Das Rudolf-Gutachten ).

Bernhard Schaub played a key role in the right-wing extremist party, the Nationally Oriented Swiss (PNOS), which also included violent right-wing extremists among its members. He is the author of the party program and wrote numerous columns for the party organ Zeitgeist of the PNOS. After his supposedly voluntary resignation, he founded the National Extra-Parliamentary Opposition (NAPO) in Switzerland, which sees itself as a “collective movement for genuine national resistance in Switzerland”.

NAPO wants “large white families”, talks about “foreigners and foreign races” and their “repatriation”.

He also headed the Association for the Rehabilitation of Those Persecuted for Contesting the Holocaust (VRBHV) until its ban on May 7, 2008, which was founded by well-known Holocaust deniers and right-wing extremists such as Horst Mahler , Manfred Roeder and Ernst Zündel (on November 9 2003, the anniversary of the Reichspogromnacht ). On behalf of the VRBHV, Schaub gave a speech he had distributed on the Internet at the 2006 Holocaust Conference in Tehran . In addition, together with Ursula Haverbeck- Wetzel , he led the Vlotho-based “Heimvolkshochschule” Collegium Humanum eV, which was also banned on May 7, 2008 , a contact point for the New Right and Free Comradeships founded by the former Nazi functionary Werner Georg Haverbeck .

Schaub also founded the “European Action” (EA), which aims to encourage right-wing extremist groups in Europe to work together. A state structure with strong nation states, but with a common foreign and defense policy, should be sought. The EA is strongly anti-American and anti-Semitic .

According to the Kreuzlinger Zeitung of February 21, 2003, Schaub said about himself that he was a welfare recipient and a “state-paid right-wing extremist”.


  • The fire of freedom. A federal memorandum and combat pamphlet against the EC. Konradin Verlag, Brugg 1992, ISBN 3-9520316-1-5 .
  • Eagle and rose. Nature and fate of German-speaking Central Europe. Konradin Verlag, Brugg 1992, ISBN 3-9520316-0-7 .
  • (Ed.) Reich Europe. Manifesto of the Reich Movement. Verlag Zeitwende , Dresden 1999, ISBN 3-934291-04-X .
  • (with Andreas Ferch and Markus Fernbach) Breaking out of ideologies. Verlag Zeitwende, Dresden 2001, ISBN 3-934291-12-0 .


Bernhard Schaub publishes (e) also under the following pseudonyms , probably to give the impression that the theses of the Holocaust deniers are more widely distributed:

  • Hans Herzog
  • E. Wolff

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "After re-education: Zombies" tachles , January 23, 2019
  2. ^ "Eagle and Rose" or claws and brush? ( Memento from October 11, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ Anton Maegerle and Hans Stutz: The lecture in Munich is followed by the discharge . Jüdische Rundschau, June 24, 1998.
  4. Assessment of the situation in 2004. Naziskins, Holocaust deniers, neo-Nazis & Co. at the GRA
  5. u. a. with Hans Stutz: Holocaust deniers in Switzerland  ; and: Bernhard Schaub. Swiss Holocaust deniers should speak in Freiburg - Antifa Freiburg ( Memento from February 6, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  6. To be read in the brochure Guidelines , author: Bernhard Schaub. Distribution: his publishing house WotansWort .
  7. page 51
  8. ^ Documentation archive of the Austrian resistance: Holocaust denier conference in Tehran with Austrian participation. News from the far right - December 2006
  9. ^ The international «Holocaust» conference in Tehran, Iran: Speeches and reports ( Memento from January 1, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Schaub's speech on a revisionist website
  11. ^ "Kebab murders": Connections to Switzerland raise questions , SF Tagesschau , November 14, 2011, accessed on November 20, 2011.
  12. Bernhard Schaub networks Europe's right-wing extremists , 20min Online, 23 November 2011.
  14. Kurt Peter: State-paid right-wing extremist , Kreuzlinger Zeitung of February 21, 2003