Sergei Viktorovich Gaponov

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Sergei Wiktorowitsch Gaponow ( Russian Сергей Викторович Гапонов ; born March 5, 1937 in Gorki ) is a Russian physicist and university professor .


Gaponow, son of the physicist Viktor Ivanovich Gaponov (1903-1990) and the physicist Marija Tichonowna Grechowa and younger brother of the physicist Andrei Viktorovich Gaponow-Grechow , studied after attending secondary school at the Polytechnic Zhdanov Institute Gorki, graduating in 1964 at the Gorkier Institute Salyut , where he rose to head of laboratory.

In 1978 he moved to the Gorkier Institute for Applied Physics (IPF) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . There he headed the department for solid-state technology and semiconductor components as well as the department for solid-state physics and was deputy director. He was a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and taught at Gorky University (from 1989 as deputy head of the Department of Electronics ).

In 1993 the Institute for Microstructure Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) was founded in Nizhny Novgorod with Gaponov as director (until 2009). In the same year he was appointed professor. In 1994 he became a corresponding member of RAN and in 2008 a full member of RAN.

Gaponow's main areas of work were laser physics , X-ray optics , interactions between electromagnetic waves and matter , nanostructure solid-state physics and high-temperature superconductors .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d RAN: Гапонов Сергей Викторович (accessed on May 23, 2017).
  2. a b c Человек и его Дело (accessed on May 23, 2017) . In: Поиск-НН . tape 142 , no. 3 , 2012.
  3. И. Тихонова: Чувство времени (accessed May 23, 2017) . In: Вестник ННЦ РАН « Нижегородский потенциал » . tape 6 , no. 1 , 2012.
  4. a b RAN: Гапонов Сергей Викторович Область научных интересов и сфера научной деятельности (accessed May 23, 2017).
  5. Akhsakhalyan AD, Gaponov SV, Luchin VI, Chirimanov AP: Angular Distribution of a Laser Ablation Plasma Expanding into Vacuum . In: Technical Physics. The Russian Journal of Applied Physics . tape 33 , no. 10 , 1988, pp. 1146-1151 .
  6. Fraerman AA, Gaponov SV, Genkin VM, Salashchenko NN: The Effect of the Interfacial Roughness on the Reflection Properties of multilayer X-ray mirrors . In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment . tape 261 , 1987, pp. 91-98 .
  7. Brailovsky AB, Gaponov SV, Luchin VI: Mechanisms of Melt Droplets and Solid-Particle Ejection from a Target Surface by Pulsed Laser Action . In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing . tape 61 , no. 1 , 1995, p. 81-86 .
  8. Salashchenko NN, Gaponov SV, Akhsakhalyan AD, Andreev SS, Platonov Yu. Ya., Polushkin NI, Shamov EA, Shinkarev SI, Zuev S. Yu .: Normal Incidence Imaging Multilayer X-Ray Mirrors with Periods of Nanometer and Subnanometer Scale . In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging . tape 2011 , 1993, pp. 402-412 .
  9. Востоков Н. В., Гапонов С. В., Грибков Б. А., Дроздов Ю. Н., Мастеров Д. В., Миронов В. Л., Ноздрин Ю. Н., Пестов Е. Е .: Исследование влияния катионного состава на сверхпроводящие и микроструктурные свойства тонких пленок Y В Acuo . In: Физика твёрдого тела . tape 45 , no. 11 , 2003, p. 1928-1933 .