Sergio Ramírez

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Sergio Ramírez (2011)

Sergio Ramírez Mercado (born August 5, 1942 in Masatepe , Masaya Department ) is a Nicaraguan writer , human rights activist and temporary politician .


Ramirez lived in West Berlin between 1973 and 1975 on a scholarship from the DAAD's artist program . As a member of the FSLN and initiator of the Group of Twelve (an alliance of twelve Nicaraguan intellectuals close to the FSLN), he maintained contact with the Socialist International and the German Friedrich Ebert Foundation during the fight against Anastasio Somoza and in the following years . After the overthrow of the dictatorship in 1979, he was initially a member of the five-member government junta and vice-president from 1984 to 1990.

In 1995 he founded the Movimiento de Renovación Sandinista party because of differences of opinion, especially with the former Sandinista president, Daniel Ortega , because he did not want to support Ortega's dogmatic course.

In 2001 he was visiting professor in Berlin, previously temporarily in Washington and Los Angeles. Ramírez lives in Nicaragua. He writes novels, essays, short stories and poems. In 2017 he was awarded the Cervantes Prize. In 2018 he also received Spanish citizenship.

“As perhaps nowhere else on the planet, we writers in Latin America have seen ourselves as prophets of our time. That may seem arrogant. But we have at least one role that is inevitable: We are witnesses, and as such we are also chroniclers. Contemporary history has always been in the essence of our writing, and it has never been possible to tell private stories away from the big stage of contemporary history. "

- Sergio Ramírez 2006


Works (selection)

  • Tiempo de fulgor. 1970
  • De tropeles y tropelías. 1973
    • Of the President's pleasure. Stories from Nicaragua. Hammer, Wuppertal 1981, ISBN 3-87294-178-X
  • El pensamiento vivo de Sandino. 1975
    • Viva Sandino! Life and death of the first Latin American guerrilla leader. Hammer, Wuppertal 1973, ISBN 3-87294-077-5
  • Te dio miedo la sangre? 1977
  • El alba de oro. 1983
    • With the weapons of the future. Texts on the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. Hammer, Wuppertal 1984, ISBN 3-87294-256-5
  • Clave de sol. 1992
  • Un Baile de Máscaras. 1995
  • Margarita, está linda la mar , 1998
  • Adiós Muchachos. Una memoria de la revolución sandinista. 1999
    • Adios muchachos! A reminder of the Sandinista revolution. Hammer, Wuppertal 2001, ISBN 3-87294-871-7
  • Catalina y Catalina. 2001
  • La manzana de oro . Iberoamericana, Madrid and Vervuert, Frankfurt am Main 2012, ISBN 978-3-86527-713-8 .
  • El cielo llora por mí , San José, Costa Rica (Alfaguara) 2008

Web links

Commons : Sergio Ramírez  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Ex-Vice President of Nicaragua: "It seems like we are living in a drugged country," az, April 8, 2018
  2. ^ Free University of Berlin : Sergio Ramírez - Samuel Fischer visiting professor in the summer semester 2001
  3. Javier Rodríguez Marcos: Sergio Ramírez dedica su Premio Cervantes a “los nicaragüenses asesinados estos días por reclamar justicia” . In: El País . April 23, 2018, ISSN  1134-6582 ( [accessed April 24, 2019]).