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Sesbania grandiflora

Sesbania grandiflora

Eurosiden I
Order : Fabales (Fabales)
Family : Legumes (Fabaceae)
Subfamily : Butterflies (Faboideae)
Tribe : Sesbanieae
Genre : Sesbania
Scientific name of the  tribe
Scientific name of the  genus

Sesbania is the only genus of the tribe Sesbanieae in the subfamily Pea (Faboideae) within the family of legumes (Fabaceae). It is native to the tropics.


Illustration by Sesbania sesban

Vegetative characteristics

The Sesbania species grow as herbaceous plants , deciduous shrubs or rarely as trees . The alternate leaves are stalked and pinnate in pairs. The stipules are small or absent. The petiole and rachis are often grooved. There may be “minor leaflets”. The many stalked leaflets have a smooth edge. The thorns fall off early.

Generative characteristics

At the upper end of the branches are axillary, racemose inflorescences above an inflorescence stem . Bracts and awl-shaped bracts are obsolete. The flower stalks are thin.

The hermaphrodite, zygomorphic , five-fold flowers have a double perianth . The five sepals are bell-shaped fused with five approximately the same teeth or rarely they are almost bilobed and shorter than the calyx tube. The five hairless petals are usually pure yellow or with dots, rarely they are white, red or dark purple and rise above the calyx. The broad flag is nailed with two calluses. The two wings are crescent-shaped, elongated and eyed. The curved boat is eyed and nailed longer than the flag. Nine of the ten stamens are fused, the free one is on the flag. All anthers are the same and mostly hairless. The often stalked ovary is oblong and contains numerous ovules . The slim stylus is curved inward, ending in a capitate stigma .

Depiction of the inside of a legume from Sesbania punicea
Seeds with hilum from Sesbania tomentosa

The often long, linear and pencil-shaped legumes open when ripe, have transverse walls, are beaked and contain 8 to 50 seeds. The seeds have a rounded hilum.


The genus Sesbania is distributed worldwide in the tropics and subtropics . Some species are used as crops .

Pair of pinnate leaves and
Sesbania cannabiana butterfly flower
Inflorescence with butterfly flowers of Sesbania drummondii
Knopen and almost open butterfly flowers of
Sesbania herbacea , the calyx is clearly visible
Paired pinnate leaves and very long legumes from Sesbania sesban
Hairy, paired pinnate leaves and butterfly
flowers of Sesbania tomentosa
Orange butterfly
flowers of Sesbania punicea


Sesbania is the only genus of the tribe Sesbanieae in the subfamily Faboideae within the family of Fabaceae . The generic name Sesbania was first published in 1777 in Introductio ad Historiam Naturalem , pp. 308-309. Type species is Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. Synonyms for Sesbania Scop. are: Agati Adans. , Darwinia Raf. , Daubentonia DC. , Daubentoniopsis Rydb. , Glottidium Desv. , Sesban Adans.

The genus Sesbania contains around 55 species. The International Legume Database lists the following species:


Individual evidence

  1. Entry at GRIN.
  2. ILDIS. , accessed November 3, 2008.

Web links

Commons : Sesbania  - Collection of images, videos and audio files