Sex espionage

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Sexpionage is a suitcase word made up of “ sex ” and “ espionage ” (English for espionage ) . In popular English literature, it refers to the inclusion of sexual activity and sexual relationships in the work of intelligence services .


Relevant intelligence terms are:

  • Honeytrap : a captivating sexual encounter or situation that is staged for blackmail purposes
  • Raven ("raven"): male agent who uses sexual relationships to obtain information
  • Swallow ("Schwalbe"): female counterpart of the Raven

In the terminology of German secret services, especially the GDR , one spoke of Romeo and Venus agents analogously to Raven and Swallow .

Examples of members of intelligence services who have practiced sex espionage:

Popular culture

Sex espionage plays a not insignificant role in some spy films and novels. The best known are the books and films about the British secret agent James Bond , where Bond often acts as Raven in the context of the plot, for example in Kind regards from Moscow , where he "turns" the Russian Tatiana Romanova with charm and sex, that is for British cooperation wins. Another well-known example is the British television series With Umbrella, Charm and Melon , where agent Emma Peel often uses her charms to achieve intelligence goals.

In addition to spy novels and films such as James Bond and Dame, König, As, Spion , in which sex pionage plays a certain role as a plot element, the sexual element becomes much more prominent in satires and parodies of such works. Well-known examples are the James Bond parodies about Austin Powers .

In addition, there was a group of novel series, especially in the 1960s and 1970s, often as pastiche on James Bond or the television series Solo for ONCEL , in which the sexual element of sex pionage was exploited , that is, it was disguised as an agent novel Soft porn , typically written under a pseudonym by experienced prolific writers . Authors particularly active in this genre were Michael Avallone , Paul W. Fairman and Gardner Fox . Examples of such novel series are in particular:

  • Ted Mark (d. I. Theodore Mark Gottfried): The Man from ORGY (15 vols., 1965–1981)
  • Troy Conway ( collective pseudonym of Michael Avallone, Johannes L. Bouma, Gardner Fox, Charles E. Fritch and Paul J. Gilette): The Coxeman (34 vols., 1967–1973)
  • FW Paul (d. I. Paul W. Fairman): The Man from STUD (11 vols., 1968–1971)
  • Rod Gray (d. I. Gardner Fox): The Lady from LUST (25 vols., 1968–1975)
  • Glen Chase (collective pseudonym of Gardner Fox, Rochelle Larkin and Leonard Levison): Cherry Delight: The Sexecutioner (29 vols., 1972–1977)
  • Paul Kenyon (d. I. Lyle Kenyon Engle): The Baroness (8 vols., 1974)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mirjam Houben: Agents out of love: psychological consideration of the Romeo method. In: Sven Litzcke (Ed.): Intelligence Service Psychology ( = contributions to internal security). Federal University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration, Brühl / Rhineland 2003, ISBN 3-930732-89-0 .
  2. ^ Elisabeth Pfister: Company Romeo. The Stasi love commandos. Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-7466-7033-0 .