Sezer Duru

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Sezer Duru (born 1942 in Istanbul ) is a Turkish translator.


Sezer Duru is a younger sister of the writer Demir Özlü . She and her sister Tezer Özlü attended the Catholic, Austrian St. Georgs College in Istanbul. She studied sociology and German literature.

Duru worked as a political correspondent in Turkey and shot documentaries for the German TV channels ARD and ZDF .

Duru has been translating German-language literature into Turkish since 1962, including works by Thomas Bernhard , Heinrich Böll , Bertolt Brecht , Hans Magnus Enzensberger , Max Frisch , Franz Kafka , Siegfried Lenz , Charles Lewinsky , Gustav Meyrink and Joachim Sartorius . She translated works by Ferit Edgü , Demir Özlü and Başar Sabuncu from Turkish into German .

Duru was Secretary General of the Turkish PEN for many years and in 1996 founded the International Writer and Translator Council "Waves of the Three Seas" based on the Greek island of Rhodes . In 2008 she received the Dekabank Prize from the Frankfurter Literaturhaus . In 2014, her translation work was awarded the Tarabya Translation Prize.

Translations (selection)

  • Ferit Edgü : A winter in Hakkari . Translation from Turkish Sezer Duru. Zurich: Unionsverlag, 1992

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