Shivajirao Patil Nilangekar

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Shivajirao Patil Nilangekar ( Marathi शिवाजीराव निलंगेकर ; born September 1, 1931 in Nilanga , Latur District , British India ; † August 5, 2020 in Pune , Maharashtra ) was an Indian politician of the Indian National Congress (INC), who worked between 1985 and 1986 Chief Minister of Maharashtra was.


Nilangekar completed a degree, which he completed with a Master of Arts (MA), as well as a degree in law , which he completed with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.). He also received a Doctor of Philosophy ( Ph.D. ).

1974 Nilangekar was first in the Chief Minister Vasantrao Phulsing Naik led state government of the state of Maharashtra called and held there initially to 1975 the post of Minister of state revenue, rehabilitation and legislation. He was later in the government of Chief Minister Vasantrao Patil from 1977 to 1978 Minister for Irrigation and 1978 briefly Minister for Public Health, Family Welfare and Legislation. In the Maharashtra government led by Chief Minister Abdul Rehman Antulay , he served as Minister for Livestock, Dairy Development, Fisheries, Employment, Technical Education and Training, Law and Justice between 1980 and 1982. In the subsequent cabinet of Chief Minister Babasaheb Anantrao Bhosale , he held the offices of Minister for Irrigation, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Development, Fisheries, Sports, Legislation, Law and Justice between 1982 and 1983. From 1983 to 1985 he was Minister of Irrigation, Territorial Development, Law and Justice and Cooperation in the Maharashtra government, led by Chief Minister Vasantrao Patil.

As the successor to Vasantrao Patil, Nilangekar finally became Chief Minister of Maharashtra himself on June 2, 1985 and held this post until March 12, 1986. He was forced to resign after the Bombay High Court opened an investigation against him. At the University of Bombay , it became known that exam results in medical school in the field of gynecology and obstetrics had been falsified, so that an unusually high number of students had passed the difficult exam. At the time, Nilangekar's daughter, Chandrakala, was one of the exam candidates. In a long public hearing on March 31, 1986, the Bombay Supreme Court came to the conclusion that there were reasonable indications that the forgeries had taken place at the instigation of the now resigned Chief Minister. On March 13, 1986, Shankarrao Bhaorao Chavan succeeded him in the office of Chief Minister. In his cabinet, he also took over the posts of Minister for General Administration, Interior, Prison, Urban Development, Urban Property, Public Relations, Law and Justice, and Protocol. In 1990 he was President of the INC of Maharashtra. In 1999 he was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) of Maharashtra in the constituency of Nilanga and was a member of it until 2004. In the government of Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde , he served as Minister for Taxation from 2003 to 2004. In 2009 he was re-elected as a member of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly in the constituency of Nilanga, of which he was a member until 2014.

His daughter-in-law Rupatai Patil Nilangekar was a member of Lok Sabha , the lower house of the Indian parliament for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) between 2004 and 2009 .

He died of kidney failure after being declared cured from Covid-19 disease diagnosed three weeks before his death .

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ M. Rahman: Shivajirao Patil-Nilangekar: Shame and scandal., March 31, 1986, accessed July 9, 2017 .
  3. Maharashtra: Chief ministers
  4. Rupatai Patil Nilangekar on the website of Lok Sabha