Shlomo Ydov

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Shlomo Ydov

Shlomo Ydov ( Hebrew שלמה יידוב; born January 19, 1951 in Buenos Aires , Argentina ) is an Israeli songwriter , composer , guitarist and arranger of Argentinian origin.


Shlomo Ydov was born as Shlomo Yid-vav in Buenos Aires in 1951. He started studying music at the age of eight. He first played drums and then guitar in the school orchestra. At that time he was influenced by musicians like Ariel Ramírez .

In 1964 he emigrated to Israel with his family. For his girlfriend at the time in Argentina he wrote a farewell song Como la luna , the text of which was rewritten in 1994 by Meir Arieli on Ivrit under the title Erew kachol amok ("A deep blue evening") and interpreted by Rita . In the following years Ydov initially worked as a rock musician in Israel . He performed with Arik Einstein , Matti Caspi , Gidi Gov and Jehudit Ravitz , among others , and wrote the music for verses by Ibn Gabirol for Esther Ofarim . His first solo album was released in 1979 and included settings of texts by Israeli poets such as Natan Zach , Jehuda Amichai and Leah Goldberg .

In the 1980s he wrote numerous children's songs for the Israeli version of Sesame Street . His compositions for plays have been performed at the Cameri Theater , Haifa Theater and Habimah . From 1988 to 1990 he was a guest on programs with Mercedes Sosa . In 1993 he received the Ophir Prize for his music for the film Die Rache des Itzik Finkelstein with Moshe Ivgy .

In his musical development, Shlomo Ydov focuses on melody and takes on a variety of influences, from progressive rock to jazz and tango to folk rock .

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