Hubert Rehm

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Hubert Alfred Rehm (alias Siegfried Bär ; born January 26, 1951 ) is a German publicist , author and publisher . He is co-editor of the laboratory journal .

Live and act

After completing his school education, Hubert Rehm completed a commercial apprenticeship in a car dealership in Lahr and then worked in a packaging material company. At the same time he passed the Abitur at an evening grammar school and then studied biochemistry and mathematics at the University of Tübingen . He then worked as a doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich and received his doctorate in 1983 at the University of Tübingen with the thesis on the effect and specificity of alpha and beta bungarotoxin in the central nervous system of the chicken . As a post-doctoral studentHe headed a sub-project in a special research area funded by the DFG at the Center for Molecular Biology at Heidelberg University and then worked as a DFG research fellow at the CNRS in Nice and at the VA Medical Center in Seattle . From 1989 to 1992 he worked as a senior assistant at the Pharmacological Institute of the ETH Zurich on neuronal potassium channels and presynaptic proteins . In 1992 he went to the University of Mainz .

Due to disagreements over a research question, he ended his academic career and began writing books under the pseudonym Siegfried Bär . His first book Forschen auf Deutsch (1992), in which he caricatured the "training" to become a university professor, appeared in several editions. This was followed by the first title of the popular specialist book series Der Experimentator: Proteinbiochemie (1994) and Biochemie light (1999, with Friederike Hammar), which also appeared in several editions.

Since the first issue in 1995 he has worked on the journal “Laborjournal”. When co-founder Hanspeter Sailer fell ill in 1999, Rehm took over co-editing. In 2000, Hubert Rehm became co-partners of LJ-Verlag with Kai Herfort (publishing director) and Ralf Neumann (editor-in-chief of "Laborjournal") and initiated a book program.

Hubert Rehm lives in Freiburg im Breisgau .


  • as Siegfried Bär: Research in German. The Machiavelli for researchers and those who want to become one. Thun, Frankfurt am Main 1992, ISBN 978-3-8171-1208-1 . 4th, extended edition: German, Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISBN 3-8171-1683-7
    Hungarian edition of the 4th edition: Professzorok és alattvalók. From the German by Bognár János. Akad. K., Budapest 2003, ISBN 963-05-8048-9 .
  • The experimenter: protein biochemistry. Fischer, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 978-3-437-20533-0 . From the 3rd edition under the title Der Experimentator: Proteinbiochemie, Proteomics. 7th, revised and updated edition with Thomas Letzel. Spectrum, Heidelberg 2016, ISBN 978-3-662-48850-8 .
    Chinese edition: Danbaizhi-shengwu-huaxue-yu-danbaizhizu-xue. Kexue Chubanshe, Beijing 2007, ISBN 978-7-03-018218-0 .
  • with Friederike Hammar: Biochemistry light. German, Thun 1999, ISBN 978-3-8171-1554-9 . 5th, corrected and expanded edition: Europa-Lehrmittel, Haan-Gruiten 2013, ISBN 978-3-8085-5443-2 .
  • as Siegfried Bär with Ralf Schreck: In the kingdom of the prophets. A guide through the deserts and oases of German science funding. LJ, Merzhausen 2001. 2nd edition 2003.
  • The guild. The essence of the university, represented by the history of becoming a professor and the professorial love life. With caricatures by Frieder Wiech. LJ, Merzhausen 2003.
  • as Siegfried Bär: The Fall of the House of Rascher . A documentary novel. With six portrait drawings by Frieder Wiech. LJ, Merzhausen 2006. E-Book: Verlag e-Publi, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-7418-6834-4 .

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