Siegfried Rudert

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Siegfried Rudert and Heinz Töpfer at the TH Magdeburg, 1st row, from the right (1980)
Siegfried Rudert, Heinz Töpfer and Heinrich Wilhelmi at the TH Magdeburg at a public scientific event in 1973 (1st row, from the right)

Siegfried Rudert (born September 3, 1932 in Großzöbern ; † July 8, 1980 in Magdeburg ) was a German mechanical engineer and professor of control engineering .


After he attended secondary school in Oelsnitz / Vogtl. Rudert studied power and work machines at the Technical University in Dresden from 1952 to 1958 . Graduating with a degree in engineering (Dipl.-Ing.), He worked as an assistant and later assistant professor before 1967 at the Technical University of Dresden on control behavior of gas turbines doctorate .

From 1965 Rudert worked at VEB Schwermaschinenbau "Karl Liebknecht" in the Magdeburg district of Salbke , until in 1970 he was a full professor for control engineering at the Technical University Otto-von-Guericke Magdeburg in the technical cybernetics and electrical engineering section (TK / ET), control engineering research area and process control (head: Herbert Ehrlich ) was appointed.

In 1978, Rudert took over the management of the control engineering and process control research area , succeeding Heinz Töpfer , who was reappointed to Heinrich Kindler's professorship at the Dresden University of Technology . After Rudert's sudden death in 1981, Peter Neumann was appointed to the chair of "Devices and Systems in Automation Technology" in this area of ​​science and was then entrusted with its management as the successor to Ulrich Korn .

Rudert taught the subject of automation technology , especially for students of mechanical engineering. For this topic he published basic textbooks and workbooks together with Heinz Töpfer, which have appeared in several editions. After the death of Siegfried Rudert, Christian Döschner took over his entire training in the field of automation technology for the mechanical engineering, technological and apparatus engineering departments of Magdeburg University; Döschner was therefore appointed professor for automation technology .

The research focus of Rows lay in the fields of modeling and control of diesel engines and Theoretical analysis process for controlled systems . Through him new principles for the regulation of four-stroke diesel engines were established. For this purpose, there was an interdisciplinary cooperation with Wolfgang Hinze's professorship in the Diesel Engines, Pumps and Compressors section . In his research, Hinze and his team endeavored to make the contemporary methods of measurement and control technology usable for the specifics of combustion engines.

Publications (selection)

  • Contribution to the pre-calculation of the control behavior of single-shaft gas turbine systems with heat exchangers. Dissertation, TU Dresden, Section Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering 1969.
  • Introduction to automation technology. Verlag Technik, Berlin 1976, 5th edition 1984 (together with Heinz Töpfer ).
  • Automation engineering workbook. Verlag Technik, Berlin 1979 (together with Heinz Töpfer ).


  • Günter Müller: Rudert, Siegfried. In: Guido Heinrich, Gunter Schandera (ed.): Magdeburg Biographical Lexicon 19th and 20th centuries. Biographical lexicon for the state capital Magdeburg and the districts of Bördekreis, Jerichower Land, Ohrekreis and Schönebeck. Scriptum, Magdeburg 2002, ISBN 3-933046-49-1 , p. 604.
  • Peter Neumann : Automation technology at the Magdeburg alma mater. In: Mechanical and plant engineering in the Magdeburg region at the beginning of the 21st century. Future based on tradition. Delta-D publishing house, Axel Kühling, Magdeburg 2014, pp. 215-219, ISBN 978-3-935831-51-2 .
  • Peter Neumann (Hrsg.): Magdeburg's automation technology in transition - from industrial to research location. Authors: Christian Diedrich , Rolf Höltge, Ulrich Jumar , Achim Kienle, Reinhold Krampitz, Günter Müller, Peter Neumann, Konrad Pusch, Helga Rokosch, Barbara Schmidt, Ulrich Schmucker, Gerhard Unger, Günter Wolf. Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg ; Institute for Automation and Communication Magdeburg (ifak), Magdeburg 2018, production: Grafisches Centrum Cuno GmbH & Co. KG, Calbe (Saale), ISBN 978-3-944722-75-7 .