Sijiazi (Aihui)

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The "community Sijiazi the Manju " ( Chinese  四 嘉 子 满族 乡 , Pinyin Sìjiāzi Mǎnzú Xiāng ) is a nationality community in the district of Aihui of the district-free city of Heihe in the northeast Chinese province of Heilongjiang . Sijiazi has an area of ​​225 km² and 4647 inhabitants (end of 2011), of which around 35% Manju.


The municipality is located in the east of the city district on the right bank of the Heilong Jiang , which forms the border with Russia over a length of 13.5 km within the municipality . Six river islands are part of the administrative area Sijiazis: Jiucai Tongdao (韭菜通岛that " chives -Insel") Huangyu Tongdao (蝗鱼通岛that " sturgeon -Insel") Changfatun Geda Tongdao (长发屯疙瘩通岛that "Changfatun Bump Island"), Changfatun Da Tongdao (长发 屯 大通 岛, the "Big Changfatun Island"), Kalunshan Dao (卡伦 山 岛, the "island across from Kalunshan") and Xiao Usli Dao (小 乌斯 力 岛, the "island across from Xiao Usli"). 77 hectares of arable land are used on the islands. Sijiazi has a total of almost 47 km² of arable land, on which mainly corn , soy , wheat and vegetables are grown. In addition there is a good 30 km² of forest, z. T. is used for forestry, and around 10 km² of grassland (dairy cattle and sheep breeding).

Administrative structure

Kunhe is made up of six villages. These are:

Web links

Coordinates: 50 ° 11 '  N , 127 ° 31'  E