Simon Karsten

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Simon Karsten

Simon Karsten (born June 13, 1802 in Utrecht ; † May 7, 1864 ibid) was a Dutch classical philologist.


The son of the vice-principal at the Hieronymus School in Utrecht, Hermanus Karsten (born September 1762 in Enkhuizen; † July 3, 1851 in Utrecht) and Thresia Margaretha Corton (died December 24, 1776 in Middelburg; † November 16, 1834 in Amersfoort) received from his father and the rector S. Nijhoff his education. At the age of sixteen he was enrolled at the University of Utrecht . Here he attended lectures by Johannes Friedrich Ludwig Schröder , Antonie van Goudoever and Philipp Wilhelm van Heusde . On January 24, 1825, he acquired the treatise Specimen literarium quo continentur tria Pindari Carmina: Olympiorum II. Et VI. Pythiorum I received a doctorate in philosophy in literature and then became a teacher in Utrecht. In October 1826 he went to Brussels , where he received a professorship for classical literature and rhetoric at the grammar school there.

The Belgian Revolution forced him to fill a teaching position at the Latin school in Utrecht in 1830, which he exchanged in 1832 for a teaching position at the Utrecht grammar school and in the summer of 1833 went to Amersfoort as rector of the Latin school .

On January 4, 1840 he was appointed professor of literature at the Utrecht University, which task he took on on May 7, 1840 with the inaugural speech De litteris humanicribus cum philosophia capulandis . His lectures included Greek, Education, Greek Antiquities, Ancient History, and Ancient Philosophy. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater from 1846–1847 , which task he set down with the speech de cautione adhibenda in veritalis indagatione . In 1837 he became a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences , in 1849 a member of the Society of Dutch Literature in Leiden and he was knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion .


Karsten married on November 14, 1833 in Amsterdam with Barbara Maria Schade van Westrum (born September 21, 1804 in Amsterdam, † June 16, 1866 in Utrecht), the daughter of Ernst Schade van Westrum and Regina Maria Heijligers. The marriage resulted in ten children. We know of these:

  • Theresia Margaretha Karsten (born October 31, 1834 in Amersfoort, † September 26, 1920 in Utrecht) married. June 14, 1866 with Willem Koster (born October 24, 1834 in Boskoop; † July 7, 1907 in Utrecht)
  • Ernestus Hermanus Karsten (born February 12, 1836 in Amersfoort) Vice-President at the Court of Justice in Arnhem. June 18, 1863 in Schiedam with Maria Jacoba Adriana Heylinger (born July 1, 1835 in Schiedam)
  • Anna Maria Regine Karsten (born February 2, 1837 in Amersfoort) married. on September 9, 1875 in Utrecht with Anthonie Clarus Johannes van Eelde (born September 30, 1828 in Utrecht, † August 15, 1902 in Utrecht)
  • Maria Catharina Karsten (born April 13, 1838 in Amersfoort, † January 14, 1910 in Utrecht)
  • Hermanus Thomas Karsten (born May 9, 1839 in Amersfoort)
  • Christina Barbara Karsten (born June 17, 1840 in Utrecht; † August 28, 1911 there) married. June 13, 1878 in Utrecht with Dr. med. Anthonij Pieter van Mansvelt (* May 10, 1838 in 's-Gravenhage; † 1905)
  • Wilhelmus Johannes Karsten (born June 10, 1842 in Utrecht) Councilor in The Hague, married. on November 11, 1880 with Bertha Amalia Miquel (born May 16, 1843 in Rotterdam)
  • Regina Maria Karsten (October 17, 1843 in Utrecht)
  • Barbara Jacoba Karsten (born November 20, 1844 in Utrecht, † October 14, 1881 in Leeuwarden) married. July 22, 1873 in Doorn with Dr. Daniel Hermannus Waubert de Puiseau (born April 18, 1837 in Sneek, † September 27, 1914 Gonsenheim near Mainz)
  • Simon Karsten (born July 15, 1848 in Utrecht)

Works (selection)

  • ΝΙΝΔΑΡΟΥ ΕΠΙΝΙΚΙΩΝ ΤΡΙΑ. Pindari carmina tria Olympiorum II. & VI. Pythiorum I. Utrecht 1825 ( online )
  • Xenophanis Colophonii Carminum reliquiae. Brussels 1830 ( online )
  • Philosophorum Graecorum Veterum praesertim qui ante platonem Floruerunt operum Reliquiae. Brussels 1830 ( online ), Amsterdam 1838 ( online )
  • Parmenidis Eleatae Carmis Reliquiae. Amsterdam 1835 ( online )
  • Oratio de antiquarum literarum doctrina cum philosophia conjungenda. Amsterdam 1840 ( online )
  • De Tetralogia Tragica et Didascalia Sophoclea. Amsterdam 1846 ( online )
  • Oratio de cautione adhibenda in veritatis indagatione. Utrecht 1847 ( online )
  • Introductio in historiam universalem, praecipue antiquarum gentium scholis Academicis Accommodata. Utrecht 1849 ( online )
  • De historiæ Romanæ antiquissimæ indole et auctoritate, deque primis Romae regibus. Utrecht 1849 ( online )
  • Aeschyli Agamemnon. Utrecht 1855 ( online )
  • Over het epitaphium voorkomende bij Demosthenes De corona. Amsterdam 1858 ( online )
  • Cicero per Roscio Amerino. Utrecht 1861 ( online )
  • Quintus Horatius Flaccus. A look at his life, studies and poetry. Leipzig & Heidelberg 1863 ( online )
  • ΣΙΜΠΛΙΚΙΟΥ ΕΙΣ ΤΑ ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΕΛΟΥΣ ΠΕΡΙ ΟΥΡΑΝΟΥ ΥΠΟΜΝΗΜΑ. Simplicii Commentarius in IV Libros Aristotelis de Caelo. Utrecht 1865 ( online )


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