Simon Ludwig (Lippe)

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Simon Ludwig zur Lippe (born March 14, 1610 in Brake ; † August 8, 1636 in Detmold ) was Count zu Lippe .


He was the second eldest son of Count Simon VII zur Lippe and his first wife Anna Katharina von Nassau-Wiesbaden. Simon Ludwig had six brothers, four sisters, two half-brothers and one half-sister.

When his father died in 1627, Simon Ludwig was not yet of legal age, and his step-grandfather, Count Christian von Waldeck (1585–1637), was appointed guardian . His uncles, Count Otto zur Lippe-Brake because of the tense relationship between Detmold and Brake and Count Johann Ludwig von Nassau-Hadamar because of his Catholic denomination, were not available.

In 1627 the young count embarked on the customary cavalier tour that took him to Prague , France , England and the Netherlands . After his return in 1631, an application was made to the Emperor Ferdinand II for a declaration of majority .

Under the influence of his chancellor Christoph Deichmann , Simon Ludwig gradually gave up the cautious neutral policy of his deceased father and moved closer to Sweden . That brought him into disrepute among the imperialists. But the county of Lippe was not spared from the opposing party either; the Swedes demanded supplies like the imperial contributions. The count's family felt the hardship of the war burden even more clearly and directly than through uncomfortable official duties, so in 1634 Schwalenberg Castle and Varenholz Castle in 1636 were attacked and looted.

He was accepted as a member of the Fruit Bringing Society under the company name The Searcher .

At the age of 26, Count Simon Ludwig died of smallpox on August 8, 1636 in Detmold .


On June 19, 1631, Simon Ludwig married Countess Katharina von Waldeck (1612–1649), a daughter of Simon Ludwig's guardian, Count Christian von Waldeck and at the same time a younger sister of his stepmother Maria Magdalena (1606–1671). He had three children with her:


predecessor Office successor
Simon VII Graf zur Lippe-Detmold
Simon Philipp