Simon Matthäus von Rosenhand

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Simon Matthäus von Rosenhand , also Simon Matthaeus , Simon Mathaei or Simon Rosenhand , (born May 31, 1613 in Stralsund , † June 1, 1668 in Stettin ) was a councilor in Swedish Pomerania .


Simon Mathaeus was the son of Stralsund council relative Nicolaus Mathaeus († 1629 at the plague) and Catharina Tessin († 1632), daughter of council relative Nicodemus Tessin. In 1636 he became secretary at the Swedish Rent Chamber in Pomerania and in 1639 trainee lawyer in the government set up by the Swedes for Pomerania. In 1641 he became an archivist in the government archives. From 1644 he served as secret secretary to the prince and later King Karl X. Gustav . In 1647 he was given the title of Privy Councilor .

In the same year he became Assistant Councilor to the Swedish government in Pomerania . On February 21, 1648 he was raised to the Swedish nobility by Queen Christina . In 1654, in the name of King Karl X. Gustav, he accepted the homage of the East Pomeranian estates . In 1655 he was appointed a councilor. He took his leave in 1662.

Simon Matthäus von Rosenhand owned the goods Venzvitz on Rügen and Börkeholm (Björkholm). He died in 1668 and was buried in the Stettin Jakobikirche .


Simon Mathaeus married Catharina Regina Schlegel (1628–1663) in 1647, a daughter of Daniel Schlegel , chamber and economist in Pomerania, and Barbara Simons. The two had three daughters and two or three sons, of whom only Daniel Nikolaus survived the father. With him, the noble family von Rosenhand died out in the male line.


  • Gabriel Anrep : Svenska adelns Ättar-Taflor. PA Norstedt & Söner, Stockholm, 1862, vol. 3, p. 478, ( Google books , Swedish).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : New general German nobility lexicon . Vol. 7, Voigt, Leipzig 1867, p. 583 ( Google books ).