Sirje Tamul

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Sirje Tamul

Sirje Tamul (born August 31, 1951 in Viljandi , Estonian SSR ) is an Estonian historian . She is a lecturer at the University of Tartu . She received her PhD in 2007 .

Sirje Tamul was the curator of the City Museum in Tartu from 1975 to 1976 . She then moved to the University of Tartu, where she worked as an assistant in the history department from 1976 to 1982 . In 1982 she became a research assistant at the university's history museum . In 1996 she switched back to the history department, first as a specialist in classroom organization and then from 2001 to 2005 as a lecturer in world history .

The main subject of Tamul's academic work is the history of the University of Tartu in the 19th and 20th centuries. Her research interests are university history , the history of science , especially the scientific connections of the University of Tartu; the student body , especially women students in history, and the extra-budgetary funding and endowments of the University of Tartu.

The title of her dissertation is: Donations to the Imperial University of Tartu (1802-1918) .


  • GP Oettigen: November 22nd 1824-16. veebr. 1916: [ülikooli rektor 1868-1876, Tartu linnapea, silmaarst] , in: Tähtpäevakalender , 1986.02.21.
  • Täna on eestikeelse ülikooli 76. aastapäev , in: Universitas Tartuensis , 1995.12.01, p. 3.
  • Album rectorum Universitatis Tartuensis 1632-1997 . Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 1997 ISBN 9985-56271-2
  • Denomination and national origin of the female students at the secondary schools in Tartu / Dorpat (1905-1918) , in: Nordost-Archiv , Lüneburg, Volume VII: 1998, no.2, p. 555
  • Vita academica, vita feminea: artiklite kogumik , Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 1999 ISBN 9985-56-460-X
  • Sigilla Universitatis Tartuensis , in: Ajalooline Ajakiri , 1999, pp. 9-22.
  • About the Mentality the academic and higher education of woman in the turn of the century , in: Historiae scientiarum Baltica 99. Abstracts of the XIX th Baltic conference of the History of science: Vilnius, Lithuania; January 15-17, 1999 . Kaunas, Vilnius: International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science., 1998, (I), pp. 53-54
  • Salongist ... ülikooli , in: Horisont , 2000, 3/30.
  • On the student body of the Russified University of Tartu 1883-1918 , in: Yearbook for University History (JbUG), 04/2001, p. 102ff.
  • The private university of MI Rostovcev 1908-1920: the technical college in Tartu? , in: Historiae scientiarum Baltica . Tartu, 2001, pp. 51-52.
  • Kõrgema tütarlaste- ja naishariduse algusest , in: Eesti Akadeemiliste Naiste Ühing 1926–1940 , Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2001, pp. 11–17.
  • About the student body of the Russified Tartu University (1883-1918) , in: University history in Eastern Europe , Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag , 2001, pp. 102–111.
  • Donatsioonid Tartu ülikoolile aastatel 1802-1918 , in: Ajalooline Ajakiri , 2002, pp. 177-192.
  • Scholarshipid ja teaduskapitalid Tartu ülikoolis aastatel 1802–1918 , in: Kleio , 2002 1/2.
  • 200 aastat õppetoetusi Tartu ülikoolis , in: Tartu ülikooli Sihtasutus aastatel 1997-2002 , Tartu Ülikooli Sihtasutus, 2002, pp. 65-69.
  • Veel kord Tartu ülikooli taasavamise ja eesti keele lektori küsimusest , in: 200 aastat eesti keele ülikooliõpet: 1803 eesti ja soome keele lektoraat Tartu ülikoolis : juubelikogumik, Tartu, 2003.
  • Saksa oftalmoloog Arthur Bernhard Brückner , in: Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi aastaraamat . Tartu, 2004, pp. 59-66.
  • The nominal value of the student of the Imperial University of Tartu , in: Rossija i Baltija. Ostzejskie guberni i Severo - Zapadnyj kraj v politike reform Rossijskoj imperii. 2-yes polovina XVIII v. - XX v . 2004, pp. 72-91.
  • Testimonium paupertatis - vaesustunnistus, üliõpilase sotsiaalse päritolu peegel , in: Tartu Ülikooli ajaloo küsimusi . Tartu, 2004, 33, pp. 84-102.
  • The Significance of War for Jur'ev University: Closing Intentions and Evacuation Measures (1915-1918) , in: Trude Maurer (Ed.): Colleagues - Fellow Students - Fighters. European universities in the First World War . Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006 (Pallas Athene Volume 18) ISBN 978-3-515-08925-8
  • Elise Käer-Kingisepp , in: A Biographical Dictionary of Womens Movements and Feminismus Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe 19th and 20 th cc . Budapest, New York: CEU Press. Pp. 200-204.
  • Lilli (Caroline) Suburg , in: A Biographical Dictionary of Womens Movements and Feminismus Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe 19th and 20 th cc . Budapest, New York: CEU Press. Pp. 544-547.
  • Vera Poska-Grünthal , in: A Biographical Dictionary of Womens Movements and Feminismus Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe 19th and 20 th cc . Budapest, New York: CEU Press. Pp. 450-454.
  • Matriculeerumisest habiliteerumiseni: jooni akadeemilisest naisharidusest Saksamaal 1908-1918 , in: Tartu Ülikooli ajaloo küsimusi . Tartu, 2006, 35, pp. 53-65. ISBN 9949-11-493-4 .
  • Study foundations at the Imperial University of Dorpat (1802–1918) , in: Peter Wörster / Dorothee M. Goeze: Universities in Eastern Central Europe. Between church, state and nation - social-historical and political developments . Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2008, pp. 49-73 ISBN 978-3-486-58494-3

Individual evidence

  1. Eraalgatuslikest stipendiumidest Tartu Ülikoolis 1802-1918 published as Dissertationes Historiae Universitatis Tartuensis, 14 2007