Scandal (film)

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German title scandal
Original title Sukyandaru
Shubun poster.jpg
Country of production Japan
original language Japanese
Publishing year 1950
length 104 minutes
Director Akira Kurosawa
script Akira Kurosawa
Ryuzo Kikushima
production Takashi Koide
music Fumio Hayasaka

Scandal ( jap. 醜聞ス キ ャ ン ダ ル, Sukyandaru , incorrectly also: Shūbun ) is a black and white film made by Akira Kurosawa in 1950 .

The film is a criticism of the tabloid press emerging in Japan at the time , especially its disregard for privacy and its fabrication of scandals.


While the artist Ichiro Aoye ( 青 江 一郎 , Aoe Ichirō ) is working on one of his pictures in the mountains, he meets the classic singer Miyako Saijo ( 西 条 美 也 子 , Saijō Miyako ). Since both have the same goal, Ichiro offers to take her on his motorcycle. On the way they are seen by paparazzi who follow them to the hotel where they are staying.

After Miyako turned down an interview with Amour , the paparazzi magazine, they took a photo of the two artists, which showed both of them having breakfast together on a balcony, and printed it under the headline “The love story of Miyako Saijo”. Ichiro is furious at the fabricated scandal and decides to sue Amour.

During the media circus that followed, a seedy lawyer named Otokichi Hiruta ( 蛭 田 乙 吉 , Hiruta Otokichi ) approaches Ichiro and claims to share Ichiro's anger with the press. Ichiro then takes him as his lawyer. Hiruta is offered a bribe by the magazine if he leads the process in their favor. Because his daughter Masako suffers from tuberculosis and he needs the money to have her treated, he accepts the offer because of financial difficulties .

Affected by the compassion that Ichiro and Miyako show towards Masako, and because of the outrage Masako shows him when she learns how he is conducting the negotiation, Hiruta's feelings of guilt increase. As the trial draws to a close, Masako dies, convinced that Ichiro and Miyako will win the trial. On the last day of the trial, Hiruta tearfully admits the bribe. Amour loses the trial and the artist's reputation is restored.

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  1. The characters are usually Shubun read, but by means Furigana here the reading explicitly sukyandaru , d. H. the Japanese pronunciation of the English word scandal .