Sleeping Giants

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Sleeping Giants ( Sleeping Giant ) is incorporated by Nandini Jammi and Matt Rivitz cyberactivism initiative with the aim of switching from online advertising on Internet platforms with racist , sexist , xenophobic and anti-Semitic to stop content. Online advertising serves as a source of income for these platforms, which the Sleeping Giants want to dry up.


The initiative was founded in November 2016, shortly after Donald Trump won the US presidential election . The Sleeping Giants called on a Twitter account not to advertise on Breitbart News . Companies whose advertising appears on Breitbart are targeted via this Twitter account and asked to suppress this by adding an entry to their advertising blacklist . The Sleeping Giants' first tweet was for the online finance company Social Finance Inc (SoFi).

Most of the time, the advertising companies are not aware that their advertising appears on pages with content that they do not support. The reason for this is programmatic advertising , the fully automatic and individualized buying and selling of advertising space in real time .

By the beginning of June 2017, more than 2,000 companies from all over the world had joined the initiative and publicly committed to stop advertising on Breitbart News. These companies include, for example, ADAC , Air France , BMW , Feyenoord Rotterdam , HP Inc. , Kellogg's , London Eye , Mercedes-Benz , Nestlé , Oxfam , Rolling Stone , University of Zurich and Visa , to name just a few.

After Kellog's joined the initiative, Breitbart News responded with a campaign to boycott Kellog's products .

The initiative operated anonymously to the conservative blog The Daily Caller in July 2018 published an article, as the founder of the initiative in the Matt Rivitz gedoxt was. Co-founders of the initiative Nandini Jammi and Matt Rivitz confirmed a few days later in an interview with the New York Times that they stand behind the initiative.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Niklas Wirminghaus: No advertising on Breitbart - “Sleeping Giants” initiative comes to Germany ., February 27, 2017 (English)
  2. a b Sleeping Giants Europe: FAQ German on Facebook , accessed on June 4, 2017
  3. Nicky Woolf: Breitbart declares war on Kellogg's after cereal brand pulls adversing from site . The Guardian , November 30, 2016 (English)
  5. [1]