Somatochlora septentrionalis

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Somatochlora septentrionalis
Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Hawk dragonflies (Corduliidae)
Subfamily : Corduliinae
Genre : Emerald Dragonflies ( Somatochlora )
Type : Somatochlora septentrionalis
Scientific name
Somatochlora septentrionalis
( Hagen , 1861)

Somatochlora septentrionalis is a type of dragonfly from the family of the falcon dragonflies (Corduliidae), which belong to the large dragonflies (Anisoptera).


The imago of Somatochlora septentrionalis measures 39-48 mm, of which 29 to 37 millimeters on the abdomen ( abdominal omitted), which is relatively small within the genus. The first segments of the bright brown abdomen are swollen and have black rings. The other segments shimmer metallic dark green on the upper side and are yellow-brown on the underside.

The part of the chest ( thorax ) to which the wings attach, the so-called pterothorax, is thickly covered with white hair. The sides are green and have a light pattern. The legs are black. Only the femora of the front pair of legs are yellowish. The hind wings measure 26 to 30 millimeters. The wings are transparent and have a yellow costalader and a yellow-brown wing mark ( pterostigma ). In the case of the males, there is also a black spot in the area of ​​the anal triangle .

In the metallic dark green face only the anteclypeus is light; forehead ( frons ) decorate two large yellow spots on the sides. The back of the head ( occiput ) is black.

Spread and time of flight

The species is native to Canada . It's not very common. Their range extends from the Yukon Territory and British Columbia in the west to Newfoundland and Labrador in the east. It can be found south to Nova Scotia and the northern parts of Québec and Ontario . Also in northern Alberta and other prairie provinces there are finds of Somatochlora septentrionalis . It lives in boreal forests and flies between June and October.

Similar species

Somatochlora septentrionalis is difficult to distinguish from Somatochlora whitehousei . The females of Somatochlora septentrionalis do not have an ovipositor like those of Somatochlora whitehousei .


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