Sophie Sthamer-Prell

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Sophie Sthamer-Prell (born October 22, 1855 at Gut Groß-Weeden , † May 22, 1940 in Dresden ) was a German portrait painter .

life and work

Sophie Sthamer-Prell grew up in a middle-class family in Kiel. Her stepfather Wilhelm Seelig was a professor of economics and a member of the Reichstag, her mother Henriette Seelig started a weaving school. She received her first lessons from the architectural painter Heinrich Heger . On the recommendation of the Berlin Academy Director Anton von Werner , she visited Carl Steffeck's private studio in Berlin from 1873, and in 1875 she moved to Karl Gussow . In 1880 she traveled to Paris with the painter Julie Ploos van Amstel and attended the painting school of Émile Auguste Carolus-Duran and Jean-Jacques Henner . In 1880 she exhibited in the Paris Salon and was visited by the art historian Karl Justi , who was devoted to her . She wrote feature articles for the Kieler Zeitung and began her career as a portrait painter with portraits of Klaus Groth and Friedrich VIII of Schleswig-Holstein , the father of Empress Auguste Viktoria. From 1882 to 1884 she stayed in Italy with her friend Martha Kuntze . In 1886 she married the painter and later Dresden Academy professor Hermann Prell and gave up painting at her husband's request. A bundle of 36 works from Hermann Prell's estate was donated to the Neue Meister gallery in Dresden in 1962 .


  • Ulrich Schulte-Wülwer: Sophie Sthamer-Prell , in: Ders., Kiel artist. Vol. 2: Art life in the imperial period 1871–1918 . Boyens, Heide 2016, ISBN 978-3-8042-1442-2 , pp. 187-231


  1. Bärbel Pusback: Mother-daughter relationships in an educated middle-class family in the second half of the 19th century. In: Alexandra Lutz (ed.): Gender relations in modern times (= studies on the economic and social history of Schleswig-Holstein. Volume 40), Neumünster 2005, ISBN 3-529-02940-8 , pp. 193–245.
  2. Ernst Schlee: The Kiel Web School of the Schleswig-Holstein Association for the Promotion of Art and Home Weaving , in: Nordelbingen Vol. 79, 2010, pp. 117–163
  3. ^ Carl Justi: Modern Errors, Letters and Aphorisms , Berlin 2012, ISBN 9783882218633 , pp. 43–46.