St. Jakob (Brandenburg an der Havel)

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The Jacob's Chapel from the north
The Crazy Chapel during implementation in 1892
inside view

Sankt Jakob is a chapel in the city of Brandenburg an der Havel . It has been popularly known as the Crazy Chapel since the building was implemented .


The Jakobskapelle is located 425 m west of the stone gate tower , which guarded the western arterial road of the new town of Brandenburg . Thus the small chapel lies at the gates of the medieval new town of Brandenburg.


The Jacob's Chapel was built around 1320. Her tower was added about 30 years later. The Jakobskapelle was first mentioned in a document in 1349 as the "Chapel of St. James outside the walls with the sick".

At that time the Heerstraße, an important east-west long-distance trade route from Magdeburg via Ziesar , Brandenburg an der Havel, Spandau , Frankfurt (Oder) , to Posen . Traditionally, in the Middle Ages, hospitals with associated chapels were placed in front of the city gates on such important long-distance routes in order to be able to care for sick travelers without having to let them into the city. This preventive measure was intended to prevent introduced epidemics in the fortified cities. Such chapels were often consecrated to saints like St. Jacob as the patron saint of pilgrims and travelers, or St. Gertrude.

Size and shape

The chapel is made entirely of Brandenburg brick and has a gable height of around 10 m. The top of the tower is specified with a height of 15.7 m. A simple barrel vault supports the interior of the chapel. Only two windows let in light: a window in the tower wall and a window in the opposite gable wall. The latter is adorned by five Gothic blind alleys. On the south-eastern gable wall is a replica of a medieval crucifixion group in the form of a terracotta panel . The original was attached to the church to protect it from the elements and vandalism . Under the tower there is a five to six meter high depression with a Gothic arch. The former entrance door on the tower side behind this recess is walled up.


  • On the south-western gable wall, a plaque commemorates the engineering masterpiece from 1892, when the chapel was pushed 11 m in one piece from the street front of Jakobstraße to the west to make way for a street widening. For this reason the chapel is now generally called “crazy chapel” in Brandenburg vernacular, whereby the attribute refers to the verb “to move” in the sense of “to move”.
  • On January 19, 2005, the Jakobskapelle was awarded the title “Monument of the Month” in the state of Brandenburg.


  • Friedrich Grasow: Brandenburg the millennial city - a walk through the culture and architecture of past centuries. Self-published by the city of Brandenburg, 1928

Web links

Commons : Jakobskapelle (Brandenburg an der Havel)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The Mad Chapel

Coordinates: 52 ° 24 '9.5 "  N , 12 ° 33' 15.8"  E