State of the dervishes

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Dawladda Darwiish (Somali)
State of the dervishes
Dervish flag.svg
Official language Somali , Arabic
Capital Taleh
Form of government Sayyidat
Government system Military dictatorship
Head of state , also head of government Sayyid of Dervish
Mohammed Abdullah Hassan
Ismail Mire
currency cattle
founding 1896
resolution 1920
Time zone UTC +3
Horn1915ad fin.png

The state of the dervishes ( English Dervish state , Somali Daraawiish ) was a Dhulbahante state, which was founded in 1896 by Ismail Mire and Mohammed Abdullah Hassan. This religious and nationalist leader recruited soldiers from various Somali clans in the Horn of Africa to form a loyal army. With this army, Hassan managed to build a strong state and conquer territories claimed by Somali sultans, Ethiopians and European colonial powers, especially the British, Italians and French. In the western world, the dervish state gained in importance by successfully defending itself against four British military expeditions and forcing the British army to retreat to the coastal areas. Several countries recognized the dervish state as an independent state and the country was an ally of the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire.

Taleh: the first air strike in African history


  • Abdullah A. Mohamoud: 4.3 Dervishes and Militant Public Pursuit (1892-1920) . In: State collapse and post-conflict development in Africa. The case of Somalia (1960-2001) . Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Ind. 2006, ISBN 1-55753-413-6 , pp. 70-72 ( ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ The 'Mad Mullah' and Northern Somalia, Robert L. Hess, The Journal of African History, Vol. 5, no. 3, (1964), pp. 415-433