Stanisław Radziejowski

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Stanisław Radziejowski (born June 6, 1863 in Zegartowice , † April 2, 1950 in Krakow ) was a Polish painter.


Radziejowski was the son of Władysław and Jadwiga, nee Kałuska and came from a wealthy family of large landowners. In 1874 he began studying painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow under Jan Matejko . He studied here with a break until 1885 and became friends with Ludwik de Laveaux during that time . From 1886 he deepened his knowledge at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and after graduation initially stayed in Munich, where he joined the Munich Art Association. In the mid-1890s he visited Cracow to work with painters like Stanisław Janowski and Władysław Wankie on the design of the Tatra panorama (“Panorama Tatr”, see also Tatra Pamorama Rotunda ), which was destroyed around 1900 .

In 1902, the artist decided to return to his home country, and two years later he settled on the one that his wife Helena, nee. Strasburger, inherited property in Trzebienice . From here he often visited Krakow to take part in the local art life. Radziejowski took part in many exhibitions of the Warsaw Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts (1910, 1925, 1930 and 1936) and the Krakow Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts (1917, 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1935). Further exhibitions of his works were organized in Lviv, Poznan, Munich, Berlin, Prague and Vienna.


The Munich school had a great influence on Radziejowski's artistic development. Most of his works are in the style of realism . In his works, however - as with Witold Pruszkowski and Jacek Malczewski - water nymphs , Medusa and other dangerous symbolic figures appear. He mainly created genre pictures from rural life as well as landscapes and portraits. Today his pictures are in many private collections such as important museums (e.g. in the national museums in Krakow and Warsaw ).

Individual evidence

  1. according to Beata Pranke, Nurt chłopomanii w twórczości Stanisława Radziejowskiego, Ludwika Stasiaka, Włodzimierza Tetmajera, Wincentego Wodzinowskiego i Kacpra Żelechowskiego , ISBN 9788388973536 , Neriton, 2003 (in Polish)
  2. according to Małgorzata Biernacka, Literatura, symbol, natura. Twórczość Edwarda Okunia wobec Młodej Polski i symbolizmu europejskiego , ISBN 9788389101174 , Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warsaw 2004, p. 360 (in Polish)

Web links

See also