Stanislav Baudyš

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Stanislav Baudyš (born May 6, 1906 , † June 9, 1972 in Hořice ) was a Czech communist politician and a functionary of the KSČ as well as a publicist.


Stanislav Baudyš, a pre-war member of the communist party, spent the period from 1940 to 1945 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp . He held the following state or party positions:

From 1957 Baudyš worked as a publicist.

Individual evidence

  1. Vedení MV (MNB) 1948-1989, compilation by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, online at: ( memento of April 15, 2010 in the Internet Archive ), and photo of the tomb in Hořice, online at: www.vets , both accessed on January 15, 2011


  • Zakázaný document. Zpráva komise ÚV KSČ o politických procesech a rehabilitacích v Československu 1949–68 (Prohibited document. Report of the Commission of the Central Committee of the KSČ on the political processes and rehabilitation in Czechoslovakia 1949–68), Europa-Verlag, Vienna 1970 (Czech edition), Introduction and closing words by Jiří Pelikán (appendix with biographies)