Stefan Diefenbach-Trommer

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Stefan Diefenbach-Trommer (* 1971 ) is a German political and human rights activist and journalist . He has, among others, the anti-nuclear organization .ausgestrahlt with founded and directed. Since 2015 he has been a full-time director of Allianz Legal Security for Political Will-Building , an association of associations and foundations. He is an expert on non-profit and civil society .


Diefenbach-Trommer studied Arabic studies , journalism and law in Leipzig . He then completed an editorial traineeship at the Oberhessische Presse in Marburg . In 2002 he received the recognition award from the Association of Hessian Newspaper Publishers (VHZV) for young journalists for a report from Eisenach.

2006 to 2008 he served as Campaigner the campaign of the Alliance track for all against the privatization of Deutsche Bahn .

In 2008 he started with Jochen Stay , and other anti-nuclear organization .ausgestrahlt and was among the first two employees. Until 2014 he headed the organization's office and was responsible, among other things, for public relations and fundraising.

Since 2014 he has been working for the Allianz Legal Security for Political Will-Building , an association of more than 175 associations and foundations. As an expert on non-profit law, he was invited to hearings in the Bundestag .

Since 2016 he has been a voluntary member of the foundation council of the Bewegungsstiftung as a representative of the funded projects .

As a teenager he was active in the Association of German Scouts and in the student council as school spokesman , district student spokesman and member of the board of the state student council of Hesse and in the young press of Hesse.

On July 9, 2020, he received the Marburg Beacon of Human Rights Award for Social Civil Rights 2020 for his “outstanding commitment to social justice and a living democracy”.

Publications (selection)

TV appearances (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alliance website
  2. ^ Hearing of the Commitment Subcommittee on January 29, 2020
  3. Hearing of the Finance Committee on February 13, 2019
  4. ^ Members of the Board of Trustees
  5. Press release on the award ceremony on July 9, 2020