Stefan Heucke

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Stefan Heucke (born May 24, 1959 in Gaildorf , Baden-Württemberg ) is a German composer . Since 1996 he has lived as a freelance composer, alternating between Bochum and the Italian Riviera.

Stefan Heucke 2018 on Haus Opherdicke


Heucke passed his Abitur in 1978 in Stuttgart and then studied piano privately with Professor Renate Werner . In 1982 he moved to the Musikhochschule Dortmund , where he studied piano with Professor Arnulf von Arnim and composition and composition with Professor Gerhart Schäfer .

Heucke's career as a composer began in 1985 when the Saarland State Orchestra premiered its Four Orchestral Pieces op.5. From 1989 to 2002 he was teaching at the Detmold State University for Music in Dortmund.

In 1996, Heucke received a two-year scholarship from the Werner Richard Dr. Carl Dörken Foundation . In that year Schott Musik International began to publish Heucke's scores. Numerous CD productions followed from 1998.

In 2001 the Great House of the Gelsenkirchen Music Theater performed Heucke's dance oratorio The Order of the Earth (op. 30) for the first time. Heucke was inspired by the Gilgamesh epic for this piece . It was staged and choreographed by Bernd Schindowski .

Heucke seeks the connection between language and music and often takes on literary texts. His works amount to 95 opera for voice by 2019 and include all genres of serious music, orchestral works (symphonies, concerts, vocal works with orchestra), chamber music and solo works, songs, sacred music, three full-length works for music theater and two full-length oratorical works .

In 2004, Heucke received the composition commission from the Krefeld / Mönchengladbach municipal theaters and a scholarship from Werner Richard - Dr. Carl Dörken - Foundation for the opera Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz (see below).

From 2005 to 2006 Stefan Heucke was composer-in-residence at the University of Witten Herdecke.

In November 2007, Heucke was awarded the Hans Werner Henze Prize, which is awarded every six years by the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe .

In the 2010/2011 season, Heucke was composer-in-residence of the "Niederrheinischen Sinfoniker" in Krefeld / Mönchengladbach.

In 2011 Heucke composed the music for an oratorio about the life of Blessed Nikolaus Groß , for which his brother Clemens Heucke wrote the libretto .

For the Luther year 2017, Heucke wrote his Deutsche Messe op.80 for soli, choir and orchestra on behalf of the German Symphony Orchestra (DSO), for which the President of the Bundestag a. D. Norbert Lammert prepared the German text version.

Since 2016 Heucke has been a regular guest as composer-in-residence at the Staunton Music Festival in Virginia (USA).

Heucke's works are published by Schott Music International .

Prizes and awards

  • 1985 laureate at the forum of young German composers for orchestral music
  • 1990 City of Dortmund sponsorship award for young artists
  • 2002 1st prize in the composition competition of the European Festival of the Ruhr-Orchester Windrose
  • 2007 Hans Werner Henze Prize

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