Stefan Oechslin

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Stefan Oechslin (born March 14, 1898 in Einsiedeln ; † March 24, 1980 there , entitled to live in Einsiedeln) was a Swiss politician (Catholic Conservative) .


Stefan Oechslin, son of the farmer Tobias Oechslin, was employed as a clerk and civil registry clerk in Einsiedeln from 1918 to 1952 after completing the cantonal teachers' seminar in Rickenbach near Schwyz . Subsequently, in 1953, he took a seat on the board of directors at Etzelwerk AG . Most recently he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "Einsiedler Anzeiger" from 1968 to 1975 . In the Swiss Army , Oechslin served with the rank of lieutenant colonel . He was accepted as an honorary member of the Central Swiss Association of NCOs and the Swiss Foundation for the Preservation of Hohlen Gasse .

Stefan Oechslin married Helene nee Wallimann in 1939. He died on March 24, 1980 ten days after he had turned 82 in Einsiedeln.

Political career

Stefan Oechslin, a member of the Catholic-Conservative People's Party, was initially a member of the Schwyz Cantonal Council from 1928 to 1948 , of which he was President between 1941 and 1942. In 1952 he was elected to the government council, in which he was represented until 1968. There he was first in charge of the finance department, then from 1958 the construction department. In addition, he served as Landammann from 1954 to 1956 . From 1949 to 1962 he also presided over the Schwyz Catholic-Conservative People's Party.

During Stefan Oechslin's tenure, among other things, the traffic rehabilitation in Biberbrugg was implemented.


  • Schwyzer Zeitung from April 11, 1980
  • The state of Schwyz in the federal state: 1848-1998, 1998, p. 168

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