Stephan of Tongeren

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Stephan von Tongern (French: Etienne de Liège ) (* before 850 ; † 19 May 920 ) was bishop of Liège from 903 to 920 . He increased the worldly possessions of the diocese and played a role as a link between the West and East Franconian empires . He was also one of the most important patrons of sacred music of his time and made a name for himself with compositions. He also wrote a vita of St. Lambertus .


He came from a noble family related to the Carolingians . Among other things, he was a relative of Charles the Simple . A kinship with the Saint Gérard de Brogne was later wrongly attributed in order to exaggerate him.

He was educated first in Metz and then at the court school of Charles the Bald . In Metz he is documented as a cathedral canon around 888. In the following period he came into the possession of the abbeys of Saint-Mihiel near Verdun , Saint-Evre in Toul and Moustier-sur-Sambre .

He was elected Bishop of Liege in 903 without giving up his previous abbeys. King Ludwig the child confirmed the possession of the Fosses Abbey to the diocese in 907 . In 908 King Ludwig also confirmed the donations from Duke Zwentibold and King Arnulf to his predecessors. These included the Lobbes Abbey and the Theux Treasury . He also granted the diocese the right to customs and minting in Maastricht . The king gave the bishop other possessions. From Charles the simple he received the abbeys Hastières and Saint-Rombaud in Mechelen as well as the forest Theux. Jurisdiction over all places in its area was connected with the forest.

He was involved in the translation of the remains of Saint Eugene to Brodge . He introduced the Trinity Festival in his diocese, which was widely spread among his successors. He himself composed chants, antiphons and responsories for this festival. He also wrote the Vita of St. Lambertus. He also wrote the Liber capitularis , a novel choir book.

He was buried in the crypt of Saint-Lambert in Liège. After his death there were disputes about the succession.


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Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig IV (the child) (RI I) n. 2046 (Regest RI-Online)
  2. Ludwig IV (the child) (RI I) n. 2048 (Regest RI-Online)
  3. John X. (RI II, 5) n.53 (Regest RI-Online)
predecessor Office successor
Franco Bishop of Liège