Stephanie Kaiser

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Stephanie Kaiser (born April 14, 1982 in Rostock ) is a German IT manager and entrepreneur. After more than ten years as a manager at various companies, she founded Heartbeat Labs with Eckhardt Weber in 2017 , which she has been managing director since then. In August 2018 she was appointed to the newly created Digital Council of the German Federal Government.


After graduating from high school in Rostock in 2000, Kaiser spent a year in Paris . She then studied Romance studies and library and information science at the Humboldt University in Berlin .

From 2004 Kaiser worked as a project and product manager at various companies, including the ringtone and mobile phone game producer Jamba , the television network MTV Networks and, from 2009, at the computer game manufacturer Wooga . There she rose to Head of Studio in 2011 . In the same year Kaiser began to work as a consultant for the startup incubator HackFwd and various large companies. She left Wooga in 2014 and was part of the Memorado founding team in 2015 . From 2016 until the founding of Heartbeat Labs , she worked for Biowink .

Kaiser is married and has one child.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. New committee: Head of Heartbeat Labs and Researchgate founder move into digital council. In: Gründerszene. August 21, 2018. Retrieved September 9, 2018 .