Steven Schneider

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Steven Jay Schneider (born January 25, 1974 in New York City , New York ) is an American film producer . He is especially known for horror film productions; the best known include Paranormal Activity (2007), Insidious (2010) and The Visit (2015).


Schneider attended Hunter High School in New York before studying philosophy at Harvard University and the University of London . He also took courses in cinema studies at New York University .

After editing several books on film, especially horror cinema , Schneider moved to Los Angeles to begin a career as a producer. His first production success was the found footage film Paranormal Activity (2007), which he co-directed with Jason Blum and Oren Peli . He then focused exclusively on horror films and mystery thrillers, including the Insidious series of films (2011-2015), the television series The River (2012), The Bay (2012) and Who (2013). In 2015 he co-produced M. Night Shyamalan's highly regarded thriller The Visit .

Schneider often works with producers Jason Blum and Oren Peli.

Filmography (selection)

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