Sustainability Foundation

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Sustainability Foundation
legal form Foundation under civil law
founding 1997
founder Klaus Milke
Seat Bonn
main emphasis Preservation of livelihoods, preservation of biodiversity, environmental and climate protection, global justice, sustainability
Chair Klaus Milke

Sustainability Foundation was established as a foundation under civil law at the end of 1997 by members and friends of the development and environmental organization Germanwatch eV . The founding founder is Klaus Milke. To date, the foundation has received donations from over 30 people. The foundation, based in Bonn, advocates the preservation of livelihoods, the preservation of biodiversity , environmental and climate protection and global justice. In addition to the implementation of its own sustainability projects, the Sustainability Foundation supports Germanwatch in accordance with its statutes, both financially and in terms of content. The foundation is currently primarily active in the context of the international foundation platform "Foundations 20".

Goals / guidelines

In 2015, the countries of the world adopted the 2030 Agenda with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs ) and the Paris Climate Agreement . The implementation of the United Nations' global sustainability goals by 2030 and the Paris climate resolutions at national and international level are the foundation's primary goals. In the future transformation processes of society and the economy that are necessary for this, international climate protection, with special consideration of climate lawsuits and changes in animal husbandry, is of particular importance for sustainable world nutrition.

Subject areas

The focus of activities is on the bundling of expertise, the development of networks, impulses in the German and international sustainability discussion and selected projects.

The Huaraz climate suit case

Together with Germanwatch , the Sustainability Foundation supports the Peruvian Andean farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya in a civil law suit against the energy company RWE . Due to the melting of the glaciers caused by climate change , a glacier lake above the Andean town of Huaraz has grown significantly. If the dam breaks, Saúl Luciano Lliuya's house and a large part of the town of Huaraz, located below the glacial lake, are threatened with a flood catastrophe that would affect up to 50,000 people in Huaraz. As Europe's largest CO2 emitter, RWE has been responsible for around half a percent of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions worldwide since the beginning of industrialization . Saúl Luciano Lliuya demands that the group pay for around 0.5% of the protective measures required on the glacial lake. The foundation has undertaken to pay the lawyer, court and expert opinion costs to the plaintiff. The procedure is in the taking of evidence - a great success for the internationally recognized model trial.

Foundation platform Foundations 20

On the occasion of the German G20 presidency in 2017, the Stiftung Zukunftsbarkeit initiated the international foundation platform "Foundations 20" (F20) together with a group of German foundations. The aim of the platform is to encourage foundations to drive the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda with the global development goals (Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) ) through their operational work, their funding activities and their investment activities . There are now more than 60 international F20 foundations. The Foundation for Sustainability is a member of the F20 steering group and, with Klaus Milke, also provides the chairman of this platform.

Thematic fund Animals.People.Rights

The Sustainability Foundation supports Germanwatch through a corresponding theme fund in its work for environmentally friendly and fair agriculture that protects animals and feeds people. The Germanwatch World Nutrition, Land Use and Trade team “Germanwatch World Nutrition, Land Use and Trade” team supports agriculture with respect for animals, health, ecology and social justice and combats the misuse of antibiotics with the ANIMALS-HUMAN RIGHTS program in the meat industry.

Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and sustainability policy

For several years now, the foundation has been involved in the debate about the further development of the German sustainability strategy , how the implementation of the 2030 agenda with the SDGs can succeed in, with and through Germany.

Structure of the foundation

In the bodies of the Foundation - Board , Board of Trustees and Advisory Board - from politics, science, business and non-governmental organizations represented. The board consists of three people. The founder of the foundation, Klaus Milke, is the chairman of the board. The Board of Trustees currently consists of six people. 19 people form the advisory board. A permanent employee is entrusted with the work processes for the financing, planning, implementation and control of the charitable activities. While the board of directors takes care of the operational foundation matters, the board of trustees directs the foundation's policy and decides on the use and investment of the foundation's funds. The advisory board has a specialist advisory function and provides impetus for the foundation's work. The foundation is financed through donations, endowments and investment income from the foundation's capital.

Memberships / holdings

The Sustainability Foundation has been the sole shareholder of the climate protection initiative atmosfair gGmbH since it was founded in 2005 .

As a member of the Federal Association of German Foundations , the Sustainability Foundation is actively involved in the “Environment Working Group”. The foundation feels committed to the principles of good foundation practice.

The Sustainability Foundation is also a member of the Climate Alliance Germany . The Climate Alliance Germany is a broad social alliance for climate protection . With over 130 member organizations from the fields of environment, church, development, education, culture, consumer protection, youth and trade unions, it advocates an ambitious climate policy and a successful energy transition at local, national, European and international level. The Sustainability Foundation has signed the declaration of commitment by the Transparent Civil Society Initiative and, as an organization that works for the common good, is committed to providing transparent information on the goals of the organization, the origin and use of funds, as well as about decision-makers.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Sustainability Foundation "About Us"
  2. ↑ Sustainability Foundation "About Us"
  3. Foundations 20 "Mission Statement"
  4. ↑ Sustainability Foundation "Our Statutes"
  5. Lawsuit against RWE: "We want to influence the climate negotiations" (An interview by Christoph Seidler (with Klaus Milke)). Spiegel online, November 10, 2017.
  6. Lea También: Klaus Milke: 'La ciudad de Huaraz se verá afectada por una marea de la laguna de Palcacocha'. El Comercio online, June 11, 2015 (Spanish).
  7. Dan Collyns: Peruvian farmer demands climate compensation from German company. The Guardian online, March 16, 2015.
  8. Peruvian farmer sues German energy giant for contributing to climate change. The Guardian online, November 14, 2017 (English).
  9. German court to hear Peruvian farmer's climate case against RWE. The Guardian online, November 30, 2017 (English).
  10. a b F20 - For a transformation that leaves no one behind. Internet portal, website accessed on April 16, 2020 (English).
  11. World food, land use and trade. ( Rubric topic page) internet portal, website accessed on April 16, 2020.
  12. Sustainability Foundation "Animals.Menschen.Rights"
  13. Germanwatch "Antibiotic Resistance"
  14. UN "SDG"
  15. ↑ Sustainability Foundation "About Us"
  16. ↑ Sustainability Foundation "Transparency"
  17. ↑ Sustainability Foundation "Transparency"
  18. Atmosfair "About Us"
  19. Environment Working Group. (Rubric topic page) internet portal, website accessed on April 16, 2020.
  20. Principles of good foundation practice. (Rubric topic page) internet portal, website accessed on April 19, 2020.
  21. ↑ Sustainability Foundation "Transparency"
  22. ↑ Sustainability Foundation. internet portal, website accessed on April 16, 2020.
  23. Climate Alliance "The Alliance"
  24. ↑ Sustainability Foundation "Transparency"