Storia della letteratura italiana (Tiraboschi)

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The Storia della letteratura italiana (History of Italian Literature) is the main work of Girolamo Tiraboschi , a scholar of the 18th century. It is the first complete work in the history of Italian literature .


The need to compile a complete inventory of Italian literature was also recommended by non-Italian scholars. For example, Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716), librarian at the Hanoverian court , often tried to convince Antonio Magliabechi to start such a work. In the past, however, only partial or incomplete works were created. In the 17th century Giacomo Filippo Tomasini had collected the life and works of the most famous Italian writers; Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni and Francesco Saverio Quadrio had limited themselves to courtly poetry . Giammaria Mazzuchelli (1707-1765) had tried to create a complete body of work with a kind of encyclopedic lexicon in alphabetical order of the Italian writers. However, the project was interrupted after the letter "B".

Analysis of the work

In 1770 Girolamo Tiraboschi received from Francesco III. d'Este , Duke of Modena, took over the management of the Bibliotheca Estense , previously headed by Francesco Antonio Zaccaria and Ludovico Antonio Muratori . He dedicated himself to the work with commitment and diligence and managed to complete a first edition in 13 volumes in the years 1772–1782. However, it should be noted that the term “ literature ” for Girolamo Tiraboschi did not only refer to literary works, to “beautiful writings”, but to all forms of expression of what was called “culture” and through writings or works of art (figurative art , philosophy , Theology , mathematics , medicine , astrology , law , etc.) and institutions dedicated to their transmission ( schools , academies , libraries , etc.). In addition, " Italy " for Tiraboschi was a geographical expression that referred to Italy at the time. In his first volume, regardless of the language , he included the Etruscans , the “peoples of the Magna Graecia ” and ancient Rome.

Each volume contained a precisely defined period of time, e.g. B. a whole century. After taking a general look at the political situation in Italy, Tiraboshi examined in many small chapters the history of universities , libraries, travel, religion , math and so on, including Italian and Latin poetry, grammar , rhetoric and so on. The work, which Tiraboschi continued to work on for a long time, was so successful that Tiraboschi prepared a new edition in 16 volumes, which was published between 1787 and 1794 .

1st edition (1772–1782)

  • Volume 1: Covers the history of the literature of the Etruscans, the Magna Graecia, ancient Sicily and the Romans up to the death of Augustus;
  • Volume 2: From the Death of Augustus to the Fall of the Western Empire;
  • Volume 3: From the end of the western empire to the year 1183;
  • Volume 4: From 1183 to 1300;
  • Volume 5: From 1300 to 1400;
  • Volume 6.1: From 1400 to 1500, first part;
  • Volume 6.2: From 1400 to 1500, Part Two;
  • Volume 7.1: From 1500 to 1600, first part;
  • Volume 7.2: From 1500 to 1600, Part Two;
  • Volume 7.3: From 1500 to 1600, Part Three;
  • Volume 8: From 1600 to 1700;
  • Volume 9: Contains the additions and corrections.

Second edition (1787–1794)

  • Volume 1: Covers the history of the literature of the Etruscans, the Magna Graecia, ancient Sicily and the Romans up to the death of Augustus;
  • Volume 2: From the Death of Augustus to the Fall of the Western Empire;
  • Volume 3: From the end of the western empire to the year 1183;
  • Volume 4: From 1183 to 1300;
  • Volume 5.1: From 1300 to 1400, first part;
  • Volume 5.2: From 1300 to 1400, Part Two;
  • Volume 6.1: From 1400 to 1500, first part;
  • Volume 6.2: From 1400 to 1500, Part Two ;;
  • Volume 6.3: From 1400 to 1500, Part Three;
  • Volume 7.1: From 1500 to 1600, first part;
  • Volume 7.2: From 1500 to 1600, Part Two;
  • Volume 7.3: From 1500 to 1600, Part Three;
  • Volume 7.4: From 1500 to 1600, Part Four;
  • Volume 8.1: From 1600 to 1700, first part;
  • Volume 8.2: From 1600 to 1700, Part Two ;;
  • Volume 9: General Directory of the History of Italian Literature by Cavaliere Abate Girolamo Tiraboschi.


  • Due to the lack of a distinction between literature and culture, Ugo Foscolo suggested that the story of Tiraboschi be “Archivio ordinato e ragionato di materiali, cronologie, documenti e disquisizioni per servire alla storia letteraria d'Italia” (Orderly and well-founded archive of materials, chronologies, documents and dispositions in the service of Italian literary history).
  • For Francesco De Sanctis , Tiraboschi was "the muratori of our literature"

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Giacomo Filippo Tomasini: Iacobi Philippi Tomasini Patauini Illustrium virorum elogia iconibus exornata. Illustriss. et reuereniss. dd Io. Baptistae Agucchiae . apud Donatum Pasquardum, et socium, Patauii 1630 (Latin).
  2. ^ Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni: L'istoria della volgar poesia. Scritta da Giovanni Mario de 'Crescimbeni detto tra gli arcadi Alfesibeo Cario custode d'Arcadia . Stamperia di Luca Antonio Chracas. Appresso la gran curia Innocenziana, Rome 1698 ( ).
  3. ^ Francesco Saverio Quadrio: Della storia e della ragione d'ogni poesia volumi quattro di Francesco Saverio Quadrio . Stampe di Francesco Agnelli, Milan 1739.
  4. ^ Giammaria Mazzuchelli: Gli scrittori d'Italia, cioè, Notes storiche e critiche intorno alle vite e agli scritti dei letterati italiani . Bossini, Brescia 1753.
  5. Girolamo Tiraboschi: Storia della letteratura italiana di Girolamo Tiraboschi, della Compagnia di Gesù, bibliotecario del serenissimo Duca di Modena . Società tipografica, Modena 1782.
  6. Girolamo Tiraboschi: Storia della letteratura italiana del cavaliere abate Girolamo Tiraboschi, Seconda edizione modenese riveduta corretta ed accresciuta dall'autore . Società tipografica, Modena 1787.
  7. Online (google.books) = [1]
  8. Online (google.books) = [2]
  9. Online (google.books) = [3]
  10. Online (google.books) = [4] .
  11. ^ Ugo Foscolo: Epistolario . Ed .: Le Monnier. tape III . Edizione Nazionale, Florence 1949, p. 67-68 (Italian).
  12. ^ Francesco De Sanctis: Storia della letteratura italiana, Chapter XX, La nuova letteratura . Archived from the original on July 15, 2008. Retrieved November 5, 2019.


  • Francesca Caputo: Storia della letteratura italiana . In: Dizionario Bompiani delle Opere e dei Personaggi di tutti i tempi e di tutte le letterature . tape IX . RCS Libri SpA, Milan 2006, ISBN 978-88-452-3240-4 , pp. 9520-9529 (Italian).
  • Armando Balduino: Tiraboschi, Girolamo . In: Vittore Branca (ed.): Dizionario critico della letteratura italiana . tape III . UTET, Turin 1973, p. 502-506 (Italian).
  • Walter Binni: La critica fra Illuminismo e Preromanticismo: Bettinelli e Baretti . In: Emilio Cecchi, Natalino Sapegno (eds.): Storia della letteratura italiana . tape VI . Garzanti, Milan 1966, p. 628-630 (Italian).

Web links

Wikisource: Storia della letteratura italiana  - Sources and full texts (Italian)