Strada Statale 75

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / maintenance / IT-S
Strada statale SS75 in Italy
Strada Statale 75
Course of the S 75
Basic data

Regions :

Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty historical street course as defined in 1928
(with today's names)
Perugia Province
Street as S75
Locality Foligno S3 / SR 316 (formerly ) S77
Locality Spello
crossing SR 147 (formerS147)
Locality Assisi - Santa Maria degli Angeli SR 147dir (formerly S147dir)
Locality Bastia Umbra
Locality Bastia Umbra- Bastiola SR 147 (former S147)
Locality Perugia- Porte San Giovanni S3bis
Street as SR 75bis
Locality Perugia SR 220 (former S220)
Locality Magione SR 599 (former S599)
Locality Passignano sul Trasimeno
Locality Tuoro sul Trasimeno
Arezzo Province
Street as SP 75bis
crossing SR 71 (formerS71)

The Strada Statale 75 (SS75) is an Italian State Street , 1928 between Foligno and the south-west of SS71 Orvieto has been set. Because of its leadership in the central area of Umbria , the SS75 received the title of Central Umbra . In 1938 the passage from Perugia- Ponte San Giovanni became part of the new SS3bis. Through this division, the western part was renumbered in SS75bis "del Trasimeno" with the Palazzone walkway (name of a necropolis on the western edge of Ponte San Giovanni) - crossing with the SS71 . Today the SS75 is an expressway between Foligno and Perugia, which joins the SS3bis, which has also been converted into an expressway. The old route through the towns is graduated. The Raccordo autostradale 6 runs parallel to the SS75bis today , which is why this was downgraded to a regional or provincial road in 2001.

Web links

Commons : Strada Statale 75 Centrale Umbra  - Collection of images, videos and audio files