Strada Statale 71

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / maintenance / IT-S
Strada statale SS71 in Italy
Strada Statale 71
Course of the S 71
Basic data

Regions :

Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty historical street course as defined in 1928
(with today's names)
Viterbo Province
Street as P152
Locality Montefiascone SR 2 (formerly S2)
Terni Province
Street as SR 71ter
crossing SR 74ter (formerS74)
Locality Orvieto S79bis (former S79)
Locality Ficulle
Locality Fabro - Fabro Scalo
Perugia Province
crossing SR 220 (formerS220)
Locality Città della Pieve
crossing SR 146 (formerS146)
Locality Castiglione del Lago SR 454 (formerly S454)
Arezzo Province
Street as SR 71
crossing SP 75bis (formerS75)
Locality Cortona - Camucia
Locality Castiglion Fibocchi
crossing S73
Locality Arezzo SR 69 (former S69) / S73/S679
Locality Subbiano
Locality Castel Focognano - Rassina
Locality Bibbiena SR 70 (former S70) / P208(former S208)
passport Passo dei Mandrioli (1173 meters)
Forlì-Cesena Province
Street as P142
crossing P137(former S3bis)
Street as P138
Locality Bagno di Romagna
Locality Sarsina
Locality Mercato Saraceno
Locality Cesana S9 / P7(former S71bis)
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty from 1958
Street as P118
Ravenna Province
Locality Ravenna S16

The Strada Statale 71 (SS71) is an Italian State Street , 1928 between Montefiascone and Cesena has been set. It goes back to the section of the 1923 Strada nazionale (SN) 60 between Bibbiena and Cesana, the side branch of the SN58 ( diramazione ) and the section Arezzo –Montefiascone of the SN58. Because of its leadership through Umbria and the Casentino , the SS71 received the title Umbro-Casentinese . In 1958 it was extended beyond Cesana to Ravenna . In this context, the title was extended to Umbro Casentinese Romagnola . In 2001 the road was divided into regional and provincial roads. The number 71 was partly abandoned or expanded as a designation.

The SS3bis expressway runs parallel from Bagno di Romagna to Ravenna.


The SS71bis was a side branch of the SS71 from 1961 to 2001, which branched off in Cesana and led to Cervia . Today it is a provincial road.