Strada Statale 73

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Template: Infobox high-ranking road / maintenance / IT-S
Strada statale SS73 in Italy
Strada Statale 73
Basic data

Regions :

Strada Statale 73 near Montarrenti, Sovicille municipality
Course of the road
Template: AB / Maintenance / Empty historical street course as defined in 1928
(with today's names)
Grosseto Province
Street as P157
crossing P152(former S1)
Locality Roccastrada
Province of Siena
Street as SP 73bis
Locality Monticiano
crossing P441(former S441)
crossing P541(former S541)
Locality Sovicille - Rosia
crossing (former S223)
Locality Siena SR 2 (former S2) / P408(former S408)
Street as S715
Locality Siena - Taverne d'Arbia P438 (formerly S438)
crossing P484(former S484) / P540(former S540)
Street as S73
crossing S715(former S326)
Arezzo Province
Locality Monte San Savino
crossing P327(former S327)
crossing SR 71 (formerS71)
via S71
Locality Arezzo SR 69 (former S69) / SR 71 (former S71) /S679
crossing P221(former S221)
Locality Sansepolcro S3bis / P258(formerly S258)
Perugia Province
Locality San Giustino S3bis
Street as S73bis
passport Bocca Trabaria (1049 meters)
Province of Pesaro and Urbino
Locality Borgo Pace
Locality Mercatello sul Metauro
Locality Sant'Angelo in Vado
Locality Urbania
Locality Urbino P423 (former S423)
Locality Fossombrone - Calmazzo S3

The Strada Statale 73 (SS 73) is an Italian state road that was laid down in two parts in 1928 between the SS 1 near Grosseto - Montepescali and Fossombrone - Almazzo. It goes back to the Strada nazionale (SN) 59 and 63 established in 1923. Because of its leadership via Siena and through the Valico di Bocca Trabaria, the SS 73 received the title Senese-Aretina e di Bocca Trabaria . In 1938 the part San Giustino - Calmazzo (part of the former SN 63) was renumbered to SS 73 bis with the title di Bocca Trabaria and the section from SS 1 to Sansepolcro kept the number SS 73; but from then on only wore Senese-Aretina as a title. The intermediate piece became part of a new side branch of the SS 3 - the " SS 3 to Tiberina ". This has now been graded by relocating the "SS 3 bis" to a parallel expressway to the southwest. The section from Montepescali to Siena was upgraded to a provincial road in 2001. The "SS 73 bis" was extended beyond Calmazzo as an expressway parallel to the "SS 3" to Fano and replaced it as a state road.