Book of hours of Isabella Stuart

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Isabella kneels before Maria with the child
Jesus Christ as man of sorrows and world judge

The Book of Hours of Isabella Stuart, Duchess of Brittany , was not written for Isabella personally in the workshop of the Master of Rohan , but she was one of the earliest owners of the book.


Liturgy of Paris . France , Angers , around 1417-1418. 24.8 × 17.8 cm, 234ff.
Fitzwilliam Museum , Cambridge , 62

On the adjoining miniature, Isabella kneels in the ducal robe in the lower left corner and recites the “Obsecro te” in front of the Virgin and Child, whom she was told by St. Katharina is presented . Your petition “Mater dei memento mei - Mother of God , remember me” is a scroll that connects the two groups. In the corners of the page is her coat of arms , connected with the ermine of Brittany .

The second miniature shown contains two figures of Christ in his capacity as Savior at the resurrection of the dead. The text below the large miniature is the introduction of the prayer of the seven intercessions - "Quiconques veult bien conseillié - Who wants to be well advised". In the picture on the border, this miniature is based closely on the depiction of the Last Judgment , the large picture depicts a “Christ en douleur”, the man of sorrows , who looks at the dead rising from their graves with compassion . He is standing with one foot on an open grave, his emaciated body and loosely thrown cloak stand out against a background of blue cherubim . Instead of judging, he looks down as if to go down to save Adam and Eve and other righteous people who are held there.

The three coats of arms with crowns in the border with the coats of arms of Scotland and Brittany look as if they were placed on the flowing acanthus ornament.

Isabella Stuart

Isabella Stuart, second daughter of James I , King of Scotland , was born around 1427. In 1442 she married Francis I , Duke of Brittany , as his second wife. Her possession of a book of hours (French: livre d'heures ) created in the same workshop as the Grandes Heures de Rohan ensures her a place in the select society of princely book lovers who are remembered for their outstanding prayer books - patrons like the Duke of Berry , Jolanthe of Aragón , her son René of Anjou and Anna of Brittany .

→ Her brother-in-law's book of hours : Book of hours of Peter II, Duke of Brittany

Executive artist

The surviving books of hours of the dukes and duchesses of Brittany in the 15th century are more historically than artistically related to Brittany. The duchy was economically backward and therefore did not have its own book painting school. The books of hours came from Paris or Angers. This book is a product from the workshop of the Rohan master who worked for the court of Anjou. Isabella was not the client, this was indirectly the first wife of Francis I of Brittany, Jolanthe von Anjou, a daughter of Duchess Jolanthe , Queen of Sicily , who supported the master of Rohan and gave the commission.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Margaret R. Toynbee: The Portraiture of Isabella Stuart, Duchess of Brittany. In: Burlington Magazine. 88, 1946, ISSN  0007-6287 , pp. 300-306. Isabella Stuart's manuscripts, including three books of hours. The depictions of Isabella in these manuscripts are among the earliest known Stuart portraits.
  2. Gui Alexis Lobineau: Histoire de Bretagne. 2 volumes. Vve de F. Muguet, Paris 1707 (Reproduction en facsimile. Éditions du Palais-Royal, Paris 1973, ISBN 2-7777-0010-9 ).
  3. ^ Millard Meiss : French painting in the time of Jean de Berry. The Limbourgs and their Contemporaries. Thames and Hudson et al., London 1974, p, 264, 306-307 ( The Franklin Jasper Walls Lectures 2, ZDB ID 198652-1 ).


  • The Book of Hours of Isabella Stuart, Duchess of Brittany. In: John Harthan: Books of hours and their owners. German translation by Regine Klett. Herder, Freiburg (Breisgau) et al. 1977, ISBN 3-451-17907-5 , pp. 114-117.

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