Super Thunder Blade

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Super Thunder Blade
Original title ス ー パ ー サ ン ダ ー ブ レ ー ド
transcription Sūpāsandāburēdo
Studio Sega
Publisher Sega
Senior Developer Yūji Naka
composer Sachio Ogawa
JapanJapanOctober 29, 1988 August 14, 1989 November 30, 1990
United StatesUnited States
platform Sega Mega Drive , PlayStation 2 , PSP , Virtual Console
genre Shoot 'em up
Game mode Single player
control Gamepad
medium module
language English
Age rating
PEGI recommended for ages 3+

Super Thunder Blade is a 1988 for the Sega Mega Drive posted shoot 'em up from the third-person and top-down perspective . It was one of two console launches in Japan. The game is the successor to Thunder Blade .


As a pilot, the player takes over the new helicopter called ASH-091B (nickname "Super Thunder Blade"), an improved version of the ASH-002 ("Thunder Blade"). Whose armor now consists of an aluminum - alloy , and he flies with a top speed of 841 km / h, the cannon can deliver 4,800 shots per minute.

The story is easy to explain: a renegade guerrilla army wants to take over the world . As part of a special unit , this should be prevented.

As in most games of the time, the game only ends when all lives are used up. At the end you enter yourself in a highscore table . Overall, the game consists of four levels , each with an intermediate and final boss .


Except for the mention in ASM 2/89, the game was apparently ignored by the German-speaking fair at that time. In any case, the contemporary criticism is quite positive. The graphics and the sound were mostly praised, but the high level of difficulty was criticized.

In retrospect, the game is viewed more critically; the test of the implementation for the Virtual Console ( Wii ) from Wii Magazine 6/07 rated the game significantly more negative. Above all, the inadequate collision query was criticized, which inevitably increases the level of difficulty.


The following real vehicles serve as enemy war machines: Mi-24 Hind , MiG-23 Flogger and Merkava .

Web links

Itemized list

  1. cf. Space Harrier II
  2. Super Thunder Blade. Retrieved April 12, 2019 .
  3. ス ー パ ー サ ン ダ ー ブ レ ー ド | Wii (R) バ ー チ ャ ル コ ン ソ ー ル メ ガ ド ラ イ イ ブ 公式 サ イ ト. Retrieved April 12, 2019 (jp).
  4. Super Thunder Blade - Reviews of the Amiga Joker, ASM, Power Play, PC Joker, Play Time, Happy Computer. Retrieved April 8, 2019 .
  5. ^ Stefan Schröder: Wii magazine . Ed .: Martin Mirbach. LiveEmotion Verlag GmbH, OCLC 723573315 , ZDB -ID 2275412-X , 983560765, p. 79 .