Tölögön Kasymbekow

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Tölögön Kasymbekow ( Kyrgyz Төлөгөн Касымбеков , Russian Тологон Касымбеков ; also Tolegan Kasymbekov , born January 15, 1931 in Ak-Dschol, Kyrgyzstan ; † June 16, 2011 in Bishkek ) was a Kyrgyz writer and journalist .

Kazymbekov was born on January 15, 1931 in the remote village of Ak-Jol ( Aksy Raion , Jalalabat Region ). After finishing middle school, he worked for two years as a primary school teacher and as a secretary of the Ak- Djol village Soviet .

In 1952 his story The Little Shepherd (Маленький Табунщик) appeared in the magazine Soviet Kyrgyzstan (Советский Кыргызстан ). In 1957 he graduated from the State University of Kyrgyzstan with a degree in Linguistics . In 1959 he was accepted into the Writers' Union of the Soviet Union . From 1957 to 1960 he worked as an editor in a small publishing house. From 1960 to 1967 he held changing, sometimes influential, administrative positions in the publishing house of the respected literary magazine Ala-Too. In 1967 he became its editor-in-chief. In 1965 his first novel I want to be a person was published (Хочу быть человеком).

His historical novel The Broken Sword (Сломанный меч), published in 1971, is regarded by many Kyrgyz as Kasymbekov's most important work. It was subsequently translated into numerous languages, and in 1980 it was published in English in the Soviet Union. From 1986 he was allowed to carry the honorary title of folk writer of the Kyrgyz SSR .

From 1973 to 1990 Kasymbekow was editor-in-chief of the state publishing house of the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic . From 1990 to 1994 he was a member of the parliament of the young Kyrgyz Republic. There he headed the parliamentary commission for education, language, culture and relations between the ethnic groups. In addition, he was chairman of the Kyrgyz Writers' Union. During the 1980s and 1990s, he played an important role in the debates about the role of the Kyrgyz language and the development of Kyrgyz culture. He also supported Kyrgyz nationalist hardliners. His books were also accused in Soviet times of promoting radical Kyrgyz nationalism .

He received his first award for his achievements in the field of literature in 1970. In 2007 he was given the high title Hero of the Kyrgyz Republic , and he is a holder of the Manas Order, First Class and the Thanks Medal .

After his death in 2011, Kazymbekov was buried in Koi-Tasch, Alamüdün Rajon , Tschüi region . He left behind a work consisting of four novels, numerous short stories and articles.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Ушел из жизни Народный писатель Тологон Касымбеков. Okmotpress, June 16, 2011, accessed August 15, 2018 .
  2. a b c d Rafis Abazov: Historical dictionary of Kyrgyzstan . Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Md. 2004, ISBN 0-8108-4868-6 , pp. 159 .