Djogorku Kengesch

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Logo of the Jogorku Kengesch

Dschogorku Kengesch ( Kyrgyz spelling : Жогорку Кеңеш, Russian Верховный совет Verkhovny sowet ; German  Supreme Council ) is the parliament in the one-chamber parliamentary system of Kyrgyzstan . It is located in the capital city of Bishkek .


The Kyrgyz Parliament in its current form is a result of the constitutional referendum in Kyrgyzstan in 2010 , which marked the transition from a presidential system of government to a parliamentary system of government after the change of government in 2010 . The 120 MPs in Jogorku Kengesch are elected for five years in parliamentary elections by proportional representation. To distribute the mandates, all registered parties put up an electoral list , from which a certain number of candidates moves into parliament depending on the party's share of the vote. A double threshold clause applies at national and regional level, according to which parties have to win 7% of the votes cast nationwide and 0.7% of the votes cast in each of the regions of Kyrgyzstan in order to be able to send delegates to the Kyrgyz parliament via the party list. A special feature of the right to vote is the cap on the parliamentary group to 65 members. In this way, an overly dominant position of power by individual parties in Kyrgyzstan is to be avoided.


  • Ata Meken: 11 seats
  • SDPK: 38 seats
  • Kyrgyzstan party: 18 seats
  • Bir Bol: 12 seats
  • Onuguu Progress: 13 seats
  • Respublika - Ata-Schurt: 28 seats
  • The most recent parliamentary election in Kyrgyzstan took place on October 4, 2015 and was largely peaceful and democratic. With 38 seats, the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan (SDPK) became the largest group in the newly formed parliament. Under the leadership of the SDPK, a coalition of four was initially formed from the SDPK, the Kyrgyzstan party, Onuguu – Progress and Ata Meken , led by Prime Minister Temir Sarijew . The coalition broke up in October 2016 in a dispute over a planned constitutional referendum, and shortly afterwards a new government coalition was formed with the participation of the SDPK, the Kyrgyzstan party and the Bir-Bol party.

    The current legislative period ends after five years in October 2020, and the date for the upcoming parliamentary election is October 4, 2020.

    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. ^ Kyrgyzstan - Administration and social conditions. Accessed August 26, 2020 (English).
    2. ^ Catherine Putz: Which Parties Joined the Kyrgyz Majority Coalition? Retrieved August 26, 2020 (American English).
    3. Daniel Wechlin: But Repeated government crisis in Kyrgyzstan . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . ( [accessed June 15, 2020]).
    4. Catherine Putz, Date Set for Kyrgyzstan's Parliamentary Election: October 4. Retrieved August 26, 2020 (American English).