TV 1901 Michelbach

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The TV 1901 Michelbach (TVM) is a gymnastics club in the Michelbach district of the Lower Franconian town of Alzenau .


A few people in Michelbach , probably inspired by the surrounding towns, discovered their love for physical activity. These people were August Huth and Peter Bauer, they founded the TVM on July 15, 1901.

In a letter dated July 21, 1901 to the Royal District Office of Alzenau, a meeting was invited to found a gymnastics club. The Gasthaus Zum Hahnenkamm was the place where 22 men founded an association in 1901, of which they would have no idea what success it would achieve.

In 1902 the TVM joined the Turngau Main Valley. From there, gymnasts from Michelbach also took part in the Gauturn events, often with great success.

The first club flag was drawn up five years later, and it is still carried on representative occasions today.

Since the association officially founded the minstrel march department in 1912, today the oldest minstrel march in Bavaria is in its own ranks. He became German Champion of the DBV in 2004, 2006 and 2010.

Today the gymnastics club comprises the following branches:

  • do gymnastics
  • Handball
  • marching band
  • Fitness & Health
  • active gentlemen
  • Cyclist meeting

Statistics / members

Members of TV 1901 Michelbach eV
year Members
Data source: TV 1901 Michelbach eV, status: 2019


do gymnastics

1923 Organization of the 26th Gauturn Festival in the Maintal-Gau

1966 first girls gymnastics in the gymnastics club.

In 1973 a women's gymnastics group was founded.

1980 Bavarian vice-champion

2006 Britta Kahle becomes Bavarian champion in class B40, Holger Morsbach and Joachim Trageser took second and third place in class B45.


In 1928 the handball department was founded.

Between 1946 and 1948 there was a women's handball team in Michelbach for the first time; a women's team was not founded again until 1971.

1946 handball district champion

In 1977 field handball was stopped.

Minstrel Orchestra of TV 1901 Michelbach eV
General information
Genre (s) Marching music - fanfare procession - marching band
founding 1906 (official division of the gymnastics club since 1912)

Minstrel orchestra

Holder of the PRO MUSICA badge


The minutes books of the founding years already repeatedly report on the acquisition of drums and pipes, but it was not until the minutes of February 24, 1906 that "minstrels" were mentioned for the first time in club activities. A week earlier, on February 17th, 1906, seven minstrels signed a real commitment for the club, because if they resign in the course of the year or leave their work as minstrels, they bring compensation of 5 marks into the club's treasury ".

This small group of drummers and whistlers initially served primarily to advance the gymnasts during the annual turning on and off and to ensure the right step in step during the marches.

The decisive impetus for founding his own marching band came in the following years from the gymnast Emil Huber. During his military service, when he was trained as a drummer, he took a liking to music by minstrels. After his return to Michelbach he began to practice diligently with the existing small group of gymnastics musicians. In the period that followed, the circle was strengthened by more young people, and so the Spielmannszug was officially founded in 1912 .

Thus, the marching band of the TV Michelbach is the oldest, active one in Bavaria today.

At that time, drummers and whistlers existed in many gymnastics clubs - they only accompany the performances of the gymnasts musically and therefore cannot be described as a marching band in today's sense. The actual marching band has its origins in the Prussian military and so the oldest and most traditional clubs can be found in the north and east of Germany. They only spread in the south after the First World War.

Foundation of the senior players' march

In 1982 the senior players' march was founded.

The aim is to give adults who enjoy traditional minstrel music the opportunity to meet up and make music once a month.

The train currently consists of former and older active minstrels of the minstrel orchestra.

In 2012 the senior players' march was expanded to include a fanfare group.


year event
1906 first official note that minstrels of the gymnastics club are active
1907 first appearances Michelbacher minstrels at gymnastics festivals
1912 Foundation of the marching band
1949 1. Public appearance of the marching band after the war
1977 Recording of a fanfare group
1980 Participation in the competition for the German Cup in Mannheim
1981 3rd place at the Bavarian Championships of LSW Bayern (concert class)
1983 2nd place at the Bavarian Championships of LSW Bayern (fanfare class)
1986 1st place in the upper level at the regional gymnastics festival in Memmingen
1989 Participation in the 1st Federal Music Festival of the BDMV in Trier 1st place in the concert class and in the mixed class at the regional gymnastics festival in Bamberg
1992 Concert tour USA and Canada Participation in the Steuben Parade in New York (USA)
1993 Participation in the 1st European Music Festival in Trier
1995 Participation in the 2nd Federal Music Festival of the BDMV in Münster
1997 Bavarian runner-up at LSW Bayern 1. Music show "March & Music" on the occasion of 85 years of SpFz TV 1901 Michelbach eV
1998 German runner-up, gold medalist and master corps of the DBV Participation in the Munich Oktoberfest procession
1999 Bavarian master of the LSW Bayern Participation in the Mainz Rose Monday procession
2000 Concerts lasting several days at the world exhibition EXPO 2000 in Hanover
2001 Bavarian runner-up at LSW Bayern Participation in the 3rd Federal Music Festival of the BDMV in Friedrichshafen
2003 2nd place at the International Germany Cup in Alsfeld (minstrel and fanfare class) 3rd place at the International German Cup in Alsfeld (marching band class) Participation in the St. Nicolas Parade in Thaon-les-Vosges (France)
2004 German champion, gold medalist and master corps of the DBV Gold medalist in the marching band class
2005 1st place at the Rhineland-Palatinate Championships of the LSW (Spielmannszugklasse) 1st place at the Rhineland-Palatinate Championships of the LSW (free class A) Participation in the Munich Oktoberfest procession
2006 German champion gold medal winner and master corps of the DBV (marching band class) German Vice-Champion of the DBV (free class A)
2007 Participation in the 4th Federal Music Festival of the BDMV in Würzburg Appearance on the BR music program "Bavaria, Burgen, Blasmusik" 2. Music show "March & Music" on the occasion of 95 years of SpFz TV 1901 Michelbach eV
2008 Participation in the big Frankfurt carnival procession Participation in the international music festival in Kristianstad (Sweden)
2009 1st place at the Bavarian Championships of LSW Bayern (marching band class) two 2nd places at the Bavarian championships of the LSW Bayern (fanfare & horn trains class; minstrels & fanfare trains class) Participation in the 19th Festival of Nations in Hamburg
2010 German champion gold medalist and master corps of the DBV (free class A) 2nd place and gold medal winner in the brass band class (start was out of competition ) 3rd place and gold medal winner in the marching band class
2011 2nd place at the Bavarian championships of the LSW Bayern (minstrels & fanfare trains open)
2012 Organization of the official awarding of the Zelter and Pro-Musica badge of the Free State of Bavaria
2013 Participation in the 5th Federal Music Festival of the BDMV in Chemnitz
2015 Critical game with the highest rating “Excellent” at the Bavarian Championships of the LSW Bayern (Spielmanns- & Fanfarenzzüge open) 1st place in the valuation game of the Bavarian orchestral competition in Studio1 of the BR in Munich and thus forwarding as Bavarian representative to the German orchestral competition
2017 Bavarian champion of the LSW Bayern (minstrels & fanfare trains open)
2019 German master of the BDMV (A6 marching bands & extended line-up) as part of the 6th Federal Music Festival in Osnabrück Winner of the Deutscher Turner-Bund hiking cup for the best DTB club


Group picture of the minstrel and fanfare parade of TV 1901 Michelbach (2007)
Group picture minstrel orchestra of TV 1901 Michelbach (2015)

as a gymnastics band, they wore white shirts / blouses and white trousers until 1988.

Since 1988 one has appeared in a uniform based on the Landsknecht uniform.

The blue / white top with black knee-length trousers and white stumps with brogue shoes.

From 2015, the appearances will now be made with a blue / black jacket and black pants.


In 1977 the marching band was expanded to include a fanfare group

since 2007

Conductors / staff leaders

Dirk Mattes

Individual evidence

  1. Newspaper report of the award ceremony in Bavaria on March 25, 2012,2049631

Web links