Taddeo di Bartolo

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Taddeo di Bartolo, self-portrait as the apostle Judas Thaddäus , detail of an altarpiece from the cathedral of Montepulciano, around 1400
San Sebastiano , around 1400–1410

Taddeo di Bartolo (* around 1362 or 1363 in Siena ; † August 26, 1422 in Siena) was a painter and fresco painter from Siena.

Angel with key fiddle , Cappellina di Palazzo Pubblico , Siena, Italy. The fresco is the world's earliest illustration that undoubtedly represents a nyckelharpa .


Bartolo developed an extensive activity as a fresco painter in churches, chapels, town halls in Pisa, Perugia and Siena. His main works are a cycle of depictions from the life of Mary in San Francesco in Pisa and repeated in the chapel of the town house in Siena (1407). His coloring is hard but strong, his conception seeks energy and grandeur of expression.

His nephew or brother Domenico di Bartolo (* around 1400) followed his direction, but is fleeting, even mindless, realistic in conception and raw in technique. In 1444 he painted in the Ospedale della Scala in Siena.

Other works

  • Badia a Isola (district of Monteriggioni): Madonna in trono con Bambino, cherubini, angeli e santi , Abbazia dei Santi Salvatore e Cirino
  • Lucignano : cycle of frescoes in the Sala delle Udienze in the Palazzo Pretorio (today Museo Comunale), executed from 1408 to 1414.


Web links

Commons : Taddeo di Bartolo  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Elisa Brunoni, Chiara Spadini, Vanda Trippi: Il Museo Comunale di Lucignano. Tiphys Editoria, Cortona 2015, ISBN 978-88-97582-13-7 , p. 31 ff.