Tala Birell

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Tala Birell (1937) on the cover of the Argentine magazine Cinegraf

Tala Birell (born September 10, 1907 in Bucharest as Natalie Bierl , † February 17, 1958 in Landstuhl ) was an Austrian actress .

Live and act

Tala Birell was born in Bucharest as the daughter of the Bavarian businessman Karl Bierl, who worked in Bucharest, and Stefanie von Schaydakowska, who came from Austro-Hungarian Galicia . She began as a stage actress and from 1930 received important roles in German and international film productions. In 1931 Tala Birell moved to Hollywood, where the film company Universal used her in the style of the Greta Garbo- oriented ideal of women.

For years, Birell took on larger roles as an actress in American films, for example in Leopards you don't kiss, but she never made her breakthrough as a star. In 1951 the artist returned to Europe and worked in Nuremberg and later in other parts of Europe in the direction of US troop support. Tala Birell was buried in Marquartstein .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Tala Birell  - Collection of Images


  1. a b c Rudolf Ulrich (Ed.): Austrians in Hollywood. New edition. Filmarchiv Austria Verlag, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-901932-29-1 , p. 597.
  2. Place of birth according to IMDb and Filmportal.de. According to Kabeleins.de, Film-Dienst states that the date of birth is September 10, 1908 and the place of birth is Vienna. Karlheinz Wendtland names "Poland" as the country of birth in his beloved Kintopp, born in 1929 and 1930 .
  3. Name at birth according to IMDb. Filmportal.de gives "Natalie Birl" as birth name, Karlheinz Wendtland in Beloved Kintopp "Natalie Bierle".
  4. Place of death according to IMDb. According to Filmportal.de , the place of death is not Landstuhl, but Landshut .