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coat of arms map
Tandel coat of arms Location of Tandel in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Basic data
State : LuxembourgLuxembourg Luxembourg
Coordinates : 49 ° 54 '  N , 6 ° 11'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 54 '0 "  N , 6 ° 11' 0"  E
Canton : Vianden
Residents : 2083 (January 1, 2019)
Area : 41.7 km²
Population density : 49.9 inhabitants / km²
Municipality number: 0901
Website: www.tandel.lu
Mayor: Ali Kaes
Elective system : Majority vote

Tandel is a municipality in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and belongs to the canton of Vianden . The community was created on January 1, 2006 through the merger of the communities Bastendorf and Fuhren.

Composition of the community

The municipality of Tandel consists of the following localities:

Walsdorf, aerial photo (2017)
Village and castle ruins
Brandenburg an der Bless


Worth mentioning is the ruins of the hilltop castle Burg Brandenbourg in the same town that towers over the village. According to archaeological findings, a wooden structure stood here in the 7th to 9th centuries. The castle was built in the 10th century, as evidenced by burnt wood remains from this time and provides an explanation for the castle name. In the following centuries the castle was enlarged several times. In 1413 the lords of the castle surrender after a siege by Duke Antoine de Bourgogne. Around 1500 the castle was expanded again to include an artillery tower and a barbican . It has belonged to the du Fays family since 1751, the last resident of which moved out of the castle in 1815 and has since fallen into disrepair. When Victor Hugo first visited it in 1865, it was already in ruins. The castle has been leased to the State of Luxembourg for 49 years since 1997, but it does not enjoy a higher priority. A lot of restoration work is taking place at the castle, but its condition is still too poor to open to the public.

The castle ruins were used in 2000 as the location for the film Shadow of the Vampire with John Malkovich and Willem Dafoe and in 2003 for the film George and the Dragon's Egg with Patrick Swayze .

Individual evidence

  1. STATEC Luxembourg - Population par canton et commune 1821–2019 (French)

Web links

Commons : Tandel  - collection of images, videos and audio files