Taney (WHEC-37)

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Taney 1.JPG
Ship data
flag United StatesUnited States (national flag) United States
class Treasury class
( Secretary class)
Shipyard Philadelphia Naval Shipyard , Philadelphia
Launch June 3, 1936
Commissioning October 24, 1936
Decommissioning 7th December 1986
Whereabouts Museum ship
Ship dimensions and crew
99.67 m ( Lüa )
width 12.5 m
Draft Max. 3.81 m
displacement 2,252 t
crew (1937)
Officers and NCOs (Warrant): 16, crew: 107;
Officers and NCOs (Warrant): 21, crew: 200;
Officers and NCOs (Warrant): 13, crew: 133
Machine system
machine 2 steam boilers
2 geared turbines
6,200 PS (4,560 kW)
20.5 kn (38 km / h)
propeller 2
  • 3 × 12.7 cm L / 51 Sk
  • 2 × 6 pounders
  • 1 × 1 pounder

The USCGC Taney (WHEC-37) was a large Treasury- class warship ( Secretary- class) of the United States Coast Guard . It entered service on October 24, 1936 and named after Roger B. Taney , American politician and lawyer, Secretary of the Treasury 1833-1834.

The Taney was known for being the last ship in active service since the late 1960s that survived the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

After she was decommissioned on December 7, 1986, the Taney was a museum ship in the port of Baltimore , Maryland . In June 1988 it was named a United States National Historic Landmark .

Name and class of ship

The USCGC Taney had several minor name changes at the beginning of its 50 years of service: from originally Roger B. Taney (WPG-37) (1936-37) to Taney (WPG-37) (1937-44), to Taney (WAGC-37) ( 1944–46), finally to Taney (WHEC – 37) .

The ship class is given in the historical sources as Treasury Class or Secretary Class , most sources list both classifications side by side. It always means the same thing: The Taney was one of the seven large warships of the Coast Guard built in the mid-1930s and named after historical American Secretary of the Treasury. The Taney's six sister ships in this class were:

Another class name for these ships was: 327er (English: 327s ), with reference to their length: 327  feet (about 100 m).

Web links

Commons : USCGC Taney (WHEC-37)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Unless otherwise noted: Web links last accessed March 8, 2017.


Unless otherwise noted: All web links in this section were last accessed on March 10, 2017.

  1. United States Coast Guard: Taney, 1936 .
  2. USCGC: U nited S tates C oast G uard C utter.
  3. Listing of National Historic Landmarks by State: Maryland. National Park Service , accessed August 4, 2019.
  4. Tobias I. Clifford: National Historic Landmark Nomination (PDF) , National Park Service 1988.
  5. e.g. at Maryland Historical Trust, Maryland's National Register Properties: USCG TANEY (WHEC-37) .
  6. ↑ e.g. United States Coast Guard: Taney, 1936 .
  7. ^ Indiana University : US Coast Guard Cutters of the Treasury Class .
  8. ^ Indiana University : US Coast Guard Cutters of the Treasury Class - and more often.

Coordinates: 39 ° 17 ′ 9 ″  N , 76 ° 36 ′ 23 ″  W.